Keeping FIRST kids safe (largely about the new screening process)
This session was a short video followed by mostly Q&A.
For other posts about the 2014 FIRST conference, see the index page. (written on my iPad; please excuse typos)
The video
- about how to protect students from physical, mental and emotional abuse. It also covered physical safety and teamwork.
- Good – reinforce coopertition and go
- For small issues, Talk about a problem, redirect to something more appropriate, be specific, document (for yourself, in case a pattern
- If bigger problem, email
Youth Protection Program
- Will be training materials online- not yet
- Two key coaches must register
- Free. (FIRST covers the cost of)
- Give full legal name, address, optional last 4 of social security number
- They look at: Sex offender registry, criminal records db
- Takes 1.5 business days unless problem
Who is screened
- If screened in past 2 years, don’t have to do it again. Expires every 3 years
- “All” coaches and event volunteers
- Up to lead coaches whether need other mentors require youth protection clearance
- Anyone who volunteers for events in VIMS will be screened.
- Walk on volunteers will still be accepted and paired with someone who has been screened
My impressions:
I had heard about the youth protection program, but hadn’t read what it was. Since I was here, I figured I would hear it live.