Today, I’m attending Oracle Code New York. As usual, here’s my live blog post summarizing the sessions I went to.
Good weather related intro. He took a poll on who had hot water this morning (most people) and who had a cancelled flight (some speakers.)
- DevOps at Scale – Baruch Sadogursky and Alena Prokharchyk
- Building a chatbot – Maria Kaval and Shaun Smith
- Intro to Docker Containers – Mike Raab
- Intro to Mutation Testing – This was my session. The deck is on speakerdeck.
- Lunchtime – I was on a Women in Tech Panel. The video will be probably by available in the future
- I skipped the 2:30 session . Instead, I finshed answering questions from attendees at the WIT (Women in Tech) panel, ate lunch and networked
- Getting Started with Hadoop, Spark, Hive and Kafka – Edelweiss Kammermann
- Hands on Lab Docker/fn- the instructions for the lab. (I stayed for a little over half the time so I could go the Java talk at 5:15. I did all the Docker labs and 2/3 labs for the fn server part.
- Moving Java Forward Faster – Donald Smith