Burr Sutter (RedHat) and Ray Tsang (Google)
Freddy and Nancy played guitar/banjo to start
For more, see table of contents
Live demos
- Ray
- demo Kubernettes on Google Cloud
- spring boot
- jib-maven-plugin (use container registry instead of dockerfile)
- Burr
- demo OpenShift (Kubernettes implementation) running on Amazon, Azure and Google
- quarkus
- graalvm
- deployed each other’s containers into the other one’s cluster
- showed traffic redirection between cloud providers fronted both with a load balancer
- audience load balancer – Can play at kubejava.com during the demo. Stopped it from the back end; good way to get everyone to pay attention again
- move between clouds. took amazon instance down. showed auto failover to one of the others when unpaused
My take
Fun start to the day. We had music (banjos), a golden switch, a game and a high energy cloud presentation. Well, Or maybe it was two presentations concurrently..