Speaker: Christina Aldan @luckygirliegirl
For more, see the table of contents
- “Experiences re the sum total of who we are, but not of what we can become” – Christina’s first mentor
- Pass on experience
- Doesn’t need to be older, just needs to have an experience to share
- Results legaycc, relevancy, avoiding mistakes, honest feebck, long lasting friendship, employee retention, strenthen teams
- Teach: work experience, new hires, resource suggestions, skill building, networking tips, how to give/receive feedback
- Helps mentor – stay relevant, emotional intelligence, expand network, reinforce skills, is fulfilling
- Idea: mentor monday’s – start on happy note
- Helps mentee – gain practical advice, emotional intellingence, expand network, improve communication, get direction/focus
- Mentoring is not making a copy of yourself. Learn from a variety of diverse people and pick what relevant to you.
Arranging mentoring
- Can be any duration. ex: coffee once a quarter
- Can reach out to someone you follow online and ask to discuss experience.
- 7 minutes is a specific time limit. 5 minutes sounds like an owner. will probably renew another time
- https://www.polywork.com has less noise than linked in
- Measurable, finiite, clear on want help with, mentor knows that that mentor,
- Ok to be ongoing if still set goals and be intentional.
Emotional Intelligence
- Awareness of self – needed for empathy. Improve by naming emotions more specificallly
- Management of self
- Awareness of others
- Management of others
- Neuroplasticity – can make new connections. As soon as 5-6 hours after create new response, starts. More stimulate, the stronger the connection becomes. (thicker/more connections). If don’t stimulate neuropathway, it disolves
- Using guilt or shame
- Not dictatorship
- Motivating with bribes
- Courtesy bias – don’t want to hurt feelings. However, growth happens in discomfort
More notes
- Tech, don’t preach
- Guide through process
- Mentee needs to internalize
- Be a talent detectve to see what the mentee wants
- Be honest while remaining kind
- Host open hours, inlude in contractor fee, cross-dept, panel mentoring, join another team one day a month to see what do (job shadow)
- Define boundaries, identify an dassign mentor, set a timeline
- If no goal/end date, just fade away. Mentee wonders what’s up and mentor thinks all is fine. Reach out
- Mentor fatigue – be aware of what you can offer. Needs to be sustainable
- Mentee should be concise, engaged and proactive
- Mentor – stay in lane (only there to share experiences, not a parent/therapist) set clear hours, comunicate clearly
ALGEE (for mental health)
- Access
- Listen
- Give Reassurance
- Encourage Self Care
- Encourage professional help
My take
Christina began with a great story. I like that she did it before introducing ourself. It results in a stronger audience connection and is something I’m trying to get better about. The content was excellent and relatable. She made it interactive so we got to hear a bunch of experiences. My only complaint is the room was too small for the audience. The captioning was A LOT (10 minutes?) behind. It started late so don’t think anyone was relying on it though.