[2024 dev2next] reading code

Speaker Marit van Dijk

For more see the table of contents


  • We spend more time reading code than writing code
  • Read code when adding features, fixing bugs, understand new codebase, when doing code review, when learning new technologies, etc
  • Up to 58% of time comprehending existing source code – Felienne Hermans, Programmer’s Brain
  • We spend time learning by writing code. We rarely deliberately practicing reading code
  • 1992 research – three groups. One learned by writing and reading code. One write and read but also explanations about code such as why made decisions. Last group only read code with those explanations. Second and third groups did better.

Code reading club

  • http://codereading.club
  • Marit participated in a monthly club – https://maritvandijk.com/code-reading-club/
  • Printed code sample that is 1-2 pages, structured exercises (ex: annotate code with markers)
  • Practice reading a variety of exercises
  • Focus on reading to understand rather than to judge

Example exercises

  • First glance – 1 minute.. Note the first and second thing that catches your eye. Think about why noticed first. Examples was in Groovy
  • Identify components and relationships – ex: methods
  • Identify the five most important lines. If don’t discuss up front what “most important” means, answers vary. The group then converged on what was most important
  • Identify concepts. Someone in the group is likely to know
  • Summarize what think code does

Lack of info

  • Could be short or long term, details, names, too many things
  • Chunking – 3-5 things

Lack of knowledge

  • language, constructs, business domain
  • Create a list of what don’t know, research and memorize if relevant

Lack of processing power

  • Too much to keep track of
  • Dependency graph – on paper, draw arrows to show where variable used
  • State table – keep track of variable values

Dimensions of code reading

  • Structure – we don’t read linearly. More experienced programmers scan code a lot before focusing on a piece
    • Domain – data
  • Concepts – programming and domain
  • Context – why app written, who uses it

Getting started

  • Checkout the code. Proves found project and have access
  • Look at package structure. How many? Names? If see name unfamiliar with, add to list so look up what means later
  • Build project to ensure can
  • Read readme.md. Tip: Check readme to ensure clear how to build and test application
  • See if can run locally and explore in UI if possible
  • Find starting point – main method, export
  • Docs 0 exL swagger

IntelliJ Features

  • AI assistant – Prompt to ask what’s wrong and how to fix
  • Generate diagram to show relationships between classes. Tip: draw own to focus on part interested in and remember it better
  • Generate matrix showing relationship between modules. SHows number of dependencies as well.
  • Can trace code outside in and see where leads
  • Endpoints view – to go a part of the code.
  • Be able to search/navigate without thinking

Outside IDE

  • Identify use case
  • Draw own diagrams

Understanding code

  • structured exercises can help
  • start with the thing you noticed in the 1 minute example to get past being stuck
  • IDE can help you
  • syntax highlighting
  • pull up documentation in pop up
  • pull up code in pop up
  • collapse sections of code
  • find references
  • view tests – hopefully their names express the indended behavior
  • debugger
  • AI assistant can give summary of a commit or set of commits

My take

The code was way too small on the 1 minute example. It was fine on everything else.. Marit invited us to move. Two people (I was one) sat on the floor in the font. I liked the demo. My brain was full before the session started though.

[2024 dev2next] project amber

Speaker: Neha Sardana

For more see the table of contents


  • Aim: Code is clear like Amber
  • Showed old release cadence ncluding 5 year gap from 2006-2011

Many projects

  • Amber – small incrememenal language enhanceents
  • Loom – lightweight concurrency and virtual threads
  • Valhala – value types and generic collections
  • Panama – native code

Goals of Amber

  • Boost productivity – less boilerplate
  • Improve code readability
  • Support long term evolution
  • Maintain language consistency

Preview features

  • Experimental but final features
  • Have to enable preview features to use

Local variable type inference

  • var – JEP-286
  • var for lambda parameters JEP-323
  • variable names more important because don’t have the type

Data handling

  • Records – 359, 384, 395
    • Data classes
  • Immutable and final
  • IdIeal for data transfer objects
  • Sealed classes – JEP 360, 397, 409
  • Controlled inheritance
  • Improved code safety
  • Enhanced pattern matching
  • Text blocks – 355, 368, 378
  • Multi line string simplification
  • Improved readability
  • Automatic formatting
  • Remember when had to put SQL in a String
  • String templates 430, 459, 465 – withdrawn)
  • Not available in Java 23. Would have simplified string concat, improved safety and enhanced readability
  • Withdrawn due to issues
  • If some back, will have new design/syntax

Control flow

  • Switch expressions 325, 354, 361
  • Simplified syntax
  • Return values
  • Exhaustiveness checking
  • Pattern matching for instance of 305, 375, 394
  • Eliminates casting
  • Improves readability
  • Safer type handling
  • Pattern matching for switch 406, 420, 427, 433, 441
  • Some of the JEPs didn’t change; just wanted more user feedback
  • Primitives types in patterns, instanceof, and switch 445
  • preview in 23
  • can use int to match instead of having to use Integer
  • Record patterns – 405, 432, 440
  • Declare record fields in same line so can use in instance of without having to reference
  • Pattern matching for data decomposition
  • Can use instance of and && in a lamdba; doesn’t have to be in if statement
  • Works with instanceof and switch
  • Unnamed patterns and variable 443, 456
  • Use _ instead of name to show unused
  • Clearer that want to ignore data
  • Enhanced pattern matching flexibility
  • Can use _ in lambda variable, catch block, etc as well

New language features

  • Implicitly declared classes and instance main methods – 445, 463, 477
  • In preview
  • void main() – no class, no public/static/params
  • println() instead of System.out – in void main(), get that static import without having to have the import
  • Reduces boilerplate
  • Module import declarations – 476
  • In preview
  • import module java.base;
  • Simplifies module usage
  • Let’s use classes in module.
  • If conflict, need to explicitly import that class
  • Statements before super -> Flexible constructor bodies 447, 482
  • feature renamed between versions of Java
  • Flexibile initialization
  • Improved code flow
  • Enhanced control


  • Derived record creation 468
  • in preview
  • allow extending records – dervices most values from original
  • Person x – original with { email = “e”; };
  • Simplify record inheritance
  • Reuseable code

My take

I had seen this talk in NY and came to support Neha. It’s still good :). I like that she had a lot of examples. Mentioning Scala a lot was fine, More opportunities to learn..

[2024 dev2next] virtual threads

Speaker: Piotr Przybyl @piotrprz and @piotrprz@mstdn.social

For more see the table of contents

Note: some things in this talk are in preview features. Might change/get better


  • Traditional demo of starting a thread and having it wait 10 seconds.
  • Ran 1K platform threads in just over 10 seconds. Ran 30K in 15 seconds. Ran 40K and it crashed due to “not enough space”.
  • Switched to virtual threads and no more resource constraints. Just over 10 seconds for 40K virtual threads. A million virtual threads took about 15 seconds
  • Awesome until see how fooled by demo
  • In the demo is sleeping, not using any resources
  • Redid demo with CPU work so no blocking.


  • released in Java 21 and previewed in 20-21
  • structured concurrency – preview in 23
  • Scoped values – preview in 22

Virtual threads

  • Great for I/O and waiting
  • No way to switch on and off globally in JDK
  • Don’t make threads faster; Make app scale better
  • Gave NYC example: drive to restaurant and park. Hardware resource (Car) not used. Vs taxi/Uber where don’t care where is when eating
  • If all cars were taxis, could move people faster. But one person doesn’t move faster by just using a taxi.
  • Said not his metaphor but likes it [I like it too]
  • Will not squeeze more juice from your CPU

Don’t Reuse

  • Reuse – cheap to start, create new
  • Pool – requires reusing

Don’t Pin

  • Like car “keep engine running”. Wastes resources, still have to pay.
  • I/O and synchronize pin in Java 21 when takes more than 20ms
  • Find with -Djdk.tracePinnedThreads=full and JFR events
  • toxiproxy – good for chaos engineering. Can set to half a second plus some jitter for variance (or anything you want)

Logging Double slit experiment – “how many lights are there”

  • Observing makes the answer different
  • Changed from 5 seconds of work to five one seconds and added logging.
  • Logging changing behavior because default handler is synchronous.
  • Less finished because opportunities for other threads to get in
  • It’s like everyone calling an Uber when a concert gets out.
  • Every time you do I/O, the thread blocks. ex: get out of taxi
  • Platform threads are different; they don’t block just because you do an I/O operation.

Other problems

  • Can’t ignore backpressure control
  • Ignore interrupts
  • merge with synchronized/native

Structured Concurrency (preview)

  • better “idioms” for multi threaded coded
  • helps eliminate thread leaks and cancellation delays
  • not replacing interruption with cancellation
  • showed waiting on two future. they don’t know the other gave up.
  • each future needs a reference to all other features so they know to give up when implemented manually
  • StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailure() { // two futures } // allows to know
  • scope.throwIfFailed() knows

Scoped Values (preview)

  • One way immutable ThreadLocals.
  • ThreadLocale is like a cache.
  • Bounded lifetime; visible in code
  • Results in simplified reasoning and improved performance
  • ScopedValue.where(x,y). run(() -> dostuff())
  • Can use Runnable or Callable
  • Can nest where() as long as you don’t mutate it

My take

This was interesting. I didn’t know pinned threads were a thing. Also good humor; well known debug pattern of “debug 1” 🙂