[2024 dev2next] 7 tech trends

Speaker: Vanya Seth

For more see theĀ table of contents

ScriptingTheKernel – eBPF

  • Cartoon – need a year to add something to the kernel, then have to wait until Linux distro ships. Five years later available and requirements have changed
  • eBPF – verifies bytecode and then runs in kernel
  • kernel makes sure you are absolutely safe
  • “superpower of linux”
  • Cilium – networking/clusters, service mesh

AI Team Assistants

  • First reaction is usually coding assistants
  • Software development is a team sport
  • Not just about increasing coding throughput
  • Need to boost whole supply chain/delivery cycle and include all roles.
  • Need to think about how AI can help a cross functional team
  • https://www.thoughtworks.com/en-us/what-we-do/ai/ai-enabled-software-engineering/Haiven_team_assistant

Zero Trust Security for CI/CD

  • Zero trust is not a new trend
  • Need to think about CI/CD in same way as customer facing systems
  • Pipelines need access to critical data like code, credentials/secrets
  • Limit runner privileges
  • Short lived tokens

Using Gen AI to understand legacy codebases

  • A lot to understand to convert to a new tech stack – business logic, dependencies, etc
  • Document understanding
  • Ask gen AI to explain code, but it’s not enough
  • Can use RAG on codebase, but still not enough
  • Graphs + RAG is more powerful.


  • Where do you put your seed secrets? The one neeeded to start everything. HOw do you bootstrap the bootstrapper?
  • Where store secrets overall?

On device LLM Inference

  • Need integrated into life
  • Wrapped into devices use ex: fridge [I don’t want my fridge to be smart!]
  • Quantization – compress parameters so can run on phone/raspberry pi
  • Small language models – fit for purpose models have 1-7 billlion params or less. Save memory
  • WebLLM – In browser inference engine

My take

Excellent keynote. New things and new ways to think about non-new things.

[2024 dev2next] kafka

Speaker: Daniel Hinojosa (mastodon.social/@dhinojosa)

For more see theĀ table of contents

Related tech

  • Piniot – OLAP
  • Input to kafka – kafka streams, akka streams, flink, spark streams
  • Connectors – ex: to database


  • publish/subscribe queue
  • producer can also be a consumer

How looks inside

  • messages sharded
  • immutable data store
  • message gets an offset number in the partition.
  • data is temporary – specify retention size or time
  • don’t reuse offset numbers even after message delete
  • can only read/write to leader, not the replicas/followers


  • Similar to a row/record
  • Just an array of bytes; format doesn’t matter
  • Message key is also an array of bytes. Only time something is guaranteed to be in order. Partitioner hashes key and maps to partition.


  • Group of messages
  • Every batch knows where each partition is going
  • Uses murmur2 for hashing
  • Can set batch size

Acknowledgements (Ack)

  • 0 – no ack; assume all is well; lowest latency
  • 1 – only goes to leader
  • all – all replicates must ack. Higher latency; safest. ex: bank transactions


  • goal: scale to a large amount of different consumers without affecting performance
  • Consumers are not threadsafe
  • Consumer rebalance – mitigate when consumers go down
  • Settings: Isolation level


  • Settings: idempotent, transactions


  • Retain message of same key where only latest message will be retained.
  • Cleaner thread does compaction
  • Can treat as events or tables
  • Tables treat Kafka as key/value database
  • LIkely don’t care about past with respect to table. Care about current/end state not everything that happened along the way.
  • Dirty – extra records

Stream processing

  • Everything is consumer/producer. Everything else is just a higher level
  • Stream groups
  • Java type stream methods – peek. foreach, groupByKey

My take

I used to know some of this, but had forgotten it so excellent review. And the new stuff was good too! I wish the screen had different resolution rather than relying completely on zooming in. Would have allowed to see some stuff while running, live code changing, and the web page (which weren’t magnified). The extended demo was great though! The gitpod “sales pitch” was a nice side effect.