Speaker: Nathaniel Schutta
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Note: This is not a live blog. I took notes during the session and posted this after as I was expecting a phone call. Also, I missed the last 10 minutes for said phone call.
- Architect as a service
- We like to reinvent the wheel
- We take for granted people know what we know. Ex. New people haven’t heard of Gang of Four book
- Answer to many things is it depends
- Often seems insignificant in the moment. Find out later matters. Patterns help with this
- Software has similarities. Got tired of putting a front end on a database Will always be doing app modernization
- Learn from parents mistakes Save time.
- Higher bandwidth conversation when use words like facade
- Humans have patterns too
- NIH. Not invented here. Not my idea
- Think can build better than off the shelf. Usually not true but sometimes is Focus on differentiator. Politics. Turf war. Jealous/budget
- Meta work is more interesting than the work
- Some people need spotlight. Arsonist firefighter not a zero sum gene. Goal is to make better software.
- Some people missed sharing and golden rule in kindergarten
- Value if created something. People valued resale at 63% if built ikea item
- Dangerous “that’s how we’ve always done it”. Counter with asking if has to be that way
- Status quo is free. What does it cost. Opportunity cost?
- Are customers proud of hand rolled project
- Wouldn’t get on a plane if no maintenance in last year.
- Great presenter. Visuals. Quotes. Few words per slide
- Sunk. Cost fallacy. I had pizza for lunch. Might as well have an entire cake for dinner
- Ok to ask why something is. New hires will notice. Others used to seeing it
My take
I’ve seen him speak before and he is excellent. Good visuals/few words on a slide/excellent pace and storytelling