Welcome Jeanne!

I’m pleased to announce the addition of Jeanne Boyarsky as a full-time partner to this blog. As regular readers may be aware, Jeanne has been a long time contributor helping to fill in the gaps of time when I’ve been too busy to write regular articles. Jeanne and I met as moderators of the JDBC forum on The JavaRanch Big Moose Saloon, frequently regarded as the best Java discussion and assistance forum on the web. We’ve been friends for many years now and I hold Jeanne’s mastery of Java in the highest regard. Let’s all give her a warm welcome!

We’ve Moved

If you are reading this, then you may have noticed the Blog has moved from www.selikoff.net/blog to its parent folder at www.selikoff.net. All the existing pages should be redirected automatically, but feel free to leave comments or e-mail if you see anything not working.

The reason for the move? The blog was really the only active part of the website, so it seemed to make sense.