Jeanne and I are ecstatic to announce our new book, OCP Java 11 Practice Tests, is now shipping! It’s the first book in print custom written for the new 1Z0-819 Java 11 Certification Exam as well as the 1Z0-817 Java 11 Upgrade Exam.

Want to become Java 11 Certified but not sure where to start? Purchase our new Java 11 Practice Tests book along with our Java 11 Complete Study Guide, now available as The Java 11 Complete Certification Kit. While Oracle restructured the 1Z0-815 and 1Z0-816 Exams into the 1Z0-819 Exam, the material is almost identical (see this post for more details), making the Java 11 Complete Study Guide along with our new Java 11 Practice Tests Book the best source of material for learning everything you need to become a Java 11 Certified Professional!
Like our previous books, we will post any updates or notes on this blog’s Java 11 Practice Tests Book page.
A special thanks to all of our friends and family that helped write this book in the midst of the global pandemic. It’s been a challenging year and we couldn’t have done it without your support!