See you in San Francisco!

I’ll be away this week from June 1-5 attending the Sun JavaOne Conference in beautiful San Francisco. I plan to expand my knowledge of advanced J2EE/SOA topics as well as pick up some introductory courses on new technologies. If you want to meet up to discuss any of my recent articles, the conference, or how cold San Francisco seems to be this time of year, drop me an e-mail!

San Francisco

Why JDBC + JSP = Bad

Over years of moderating at The JavaRanch, I’ve seen one type of question spring up on a weekly basis: that asked by people who need help with JDBC code inside of Java Server Pages (JSPs). As much as we may want to help this individual fix their particular problem, the overriding thought of “STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING” often prevents us from doing so. The purpose of this post is to explain why putting JDBC code inside a JSP file is akin to shooting yourself in the foot. With a shotgun. While not wearing shoes.

Don't use JDBC inside of JSP pages

1. You cannot reuse the code
First and foremost is the issue of code reusability. While importing java classes is quite common, importing code from a JSP is not. While you can write JSP functions, although I never recommend doing so for reasons I won’t get into now, you’re basically writing code that you cannot be used anywhere else, particularly in non-JSP java classes. The most common counter response to this is “Well, I don’t need to use it anywhere else”. Yes, you do. Whether its just reusing code for making the connection to database or the code for performing a query and reading the results, it will be used again at some point in the future in a way you have not thought of yet. Unless you are being paid by the line and prefer this sort of thing, it’s a bad move, and I guarantee your code base will be much larger than someone who put all their JDBC code into normal Java classes. Larger code base means more difficulty to maintain and more headaches for you down the road.

2. You are mixing business logic with the presentation layer
Probably the most overlooked issue for inexperienced developers is the fact that you’re mixing the business/data layers with the presentation layer. I’ll put it another way, if your boss comes in one morning and says we’re throwing out the JSP front end and replacing it with a web service, Java Swing, Flash, or some other interface, there is virtually no way for you to reuse the database code without going through every line of every JSP file by hand. If the database code had been placed in plain java files, then you would have a path for packaging the JDBC code into a single JAR and making it available as a service to a different front-end client such as a web service, Flash, etc.

In enterprise development, the presentation JSP layer and the database are often separated by multiple layers of indirection such as described by the commonly used three-tier architecture pattern. Those who are just starting out programming often do not know why mixing these layers is bad, but I promise you if you stay with software development you’ll understand one day.

3. But it’s just this once!
Often times, JDBC code enters JSPs by developer lying to themselves saying “Well, it’s just this once” or “I just need to test something”. Instead of being removed when the developer is done ‘testing’, the code often persists for a long time afterward. Furthermore, putting your JDBC code inside of reusable Java classes makes testing go faster! Spending 10 minutes setting up a single reusable Java JDBC class will save you hours down the road. Then, if you want to test more than one JSP page with JDBC logic, you already have your Java class file to start with. Proponents of test-driven development tend to understand this better than anyone.

4. It’s really hard to maintain
Code maintenance is another topic that new developers do not fully appreciate since they have not spent years maintaining the same code base. Unless you write the most beautiful JDBC code imaginable, its very difficult to read through huge JSP files looking for bugs and/or making enhancements. It’s a lot easier if all the JDBC access is restricted to a set of files much smaller in size than the JSP code base.

5. It’s a really bad practice
If after reading this article you still do not fully understand why you should not put JDBC code inside of JSPs, let me simplify the issue by saying “Just Don’t Do It”. Whether or not developers understand the reasons against doing so is not as important as stopping them from doing so in the first place. In short, you create code someone else (possibly yourself) will have the misfortune of maintaining down the road.

5 Tips to be a Good JDBC Programmer

Have you written Java code for your database connections in JDBC that ends up being thrown away? Would using a new database software easily kill your product and set you back months at a time to port? Well, if so, keep reading as the goal of this article is to make you a better JDBC programmer.


    Tip #1: ALWAYS close connections

I wrote an entry about closing database connections back in July so I won’t belabor the point. Suffice it to say, one of the most common mistakes JDBC programmers make is failing to close database resources like result sets, statements, and connections. Unfortunately, because of the nature of the problem a developer will often never see the error until it is discovered in a production environment since most developers test with one process at a time. In short, every time you open a connection you should close it sometime later and that close should be nearly bullet proof, as so:

Connection con;
try {
   con = ...
} finally {
   try { if(con!=null) {con.close();}}
   catch (Exception e1) {}

As mentioned in the post about the subject, you can replace the finally code with a call to a method such as closeConnection() which does the same thing.

    Tip #2: Always use PreparedStatements over regular Statements

As you may be aware, PreparedStatements come with many advantages over regular Statements:

  • Sanitizes your database inputs: Great Example
  • Organizes your statements into set of input/output commands
  • Performance boost: The pre-compiled statement can be reused multiple times

The mistake a lot of programmers make is when they say “Well, I have no inputs to the query, so I’m not going to use PreparedStatements”. First off, they may have inputs down the road they needed to ‘tack on’ to the query, and it will save a lot of time rewriting the code if the query is already structured as a PreparedStatement. Second, perhaps there are some hard-coded input values that you can’t imagine changing, but could change down the road. Better to use a PreparedStatement and a static object, than to hard-code it, as shown in this example:

Statement statement = con.createStatement();
statement.executeQuery("SELECT name FROM widgets WHERE type = 'WidgetB'");


final String widgetType = "WidgetB";
Statement pStatement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT name FROM widgets WHERE type = ?");

Sure, the first example is shorter, but the second gives you the freedom to easily change the Widget Type down the road as well as supporting additional inputs since the setup work is all ready done.

    Tip #3: Be Prepared To Change Databases

It’s not a myth; database platforms do change. You may be working on a project using Oracle and you get a request from your manager for an estimate to port the code to MySQL. It can and does happen, the question is are you going to respond with “a couple of days/weeks” or “12-24 months”. Your answer should shed some light on how good your code really is.

    Tip #4: Never Reference Database-Specific Libraries

If you ever find yourself writing a line of code such as this:

OracleCallableStatement cst = (OracleCallableStatement)conn.prepareCall ...

Stop! This is an example where a regular Callable Statement is likely called for, but you’re using a database-specific line in your code. The whole purpose of JDBC driver pattern is that you can drag and drop new JDBC driver libraries for MySQL, Oracle, etc into your application and the software will still compile and run just fine. Lines of code like the one above require you have the JDBC library available at compile-time and guarantee you’ll have to rewrite code to port to another language. In other words, writing a line of code like this is a developer admitting to themselves “I will definitely need to rewrite this line of code if I want to port to another database”.

    Tip #5: Never use Database Stored Procedures*

Never, ever, write a Java application that relies, in large part, on stored procedures. Not only can they never be ported to a different database, 9 times out of 10, you can’t even recall exactly what they did when you wrote them. They fall into the same category of Perl code, which is WORN (write once, read never), since most of the time reading them is harder than rewriting them, mostly because TSQL/PSQL are not very pretty languages to work with.

* There some cases where stored procedures are allowed, such as reporting statistics or materialized views, but these are few and far between. The bulk of your main application logic, such as adding new users, performing basic transactions, and editing data should not rely on stored procedures in any way. Reporting is allowed here because often times performing metrics on millions of records in JDBC would require too many round trips over the network. In other words, reporting requires the kind of direct network access stored procedures guarantee since they run on the database itself. But if you are stuck using them, you should insulate them so they don’t interact with any of your java code directly, such as an independent nightly build of statistics.

    Bonus Tip #6: Never put JDBC code inside JSPs

I started with 5 tips but our reader’s comments reminded me of a 6th tip: Never put JDBC code of any kind inside a JSP! The purpose of a 3-tiered architecture is to get good separation of layers, and putting JDBC code inside the presentation tier skips the middle layer all together. Some developers reduce the impact of this mistake by putting their connection code inside a Java file and only passing the result set to a JSP. This is still really bad! JSPs should have no JDBC code whatsoever since most of the time queries can be reused by multiple modules and JSPs don’t exactly lend themselves to resusability.