phone problems at the phone company

I called Verizon today to deal with a problem. I still have the problem (this is my 4th call on the topic) which is that my phone and DSL are on separate billing cycles. Last month, they identified the problem and told me it would be resolved. And here we are this month. Still not resolved.

This month’s call came with a twist. I was asked for my PIN to identify myself. I was unaware that I had a PIN. And nobody asked me for my PIN last month or the month before. So the rep texted me a one time verification code. Fine.

After we didn’t resolve my first problem, I asked how I set this PIN to something I know. He transferred me to customer service. Who doesn’t do that and transferred me to another call center that sounded like India. (They were very close together and there was much conversation that wasn’t in English. Plus the accents.) I waited 10 minutes to speak to someone there. He couldn’t here me well and eventually said someone would call be back because the phone connection wasn’t good.

I understand the phone connection in India isn’t Verizon’s fault. But having someone “at the phone company” tell you that they are having phone troubles is ironic.

more on backward compability – this time with lang

I blogged an answer to Mark’s question about var in Java 10. He wrote back the following. I thought it was great and asked if I could use it as a guest blog post. He said yes.

So compliments of our guest blogger: Mark Yagnatinsky.

Thanks! You inspired me to try compiling my own little test program that I’d wondered about for a while:

It turns out that if you try to do this:

class java {
    class lang {

Java won’t let you (it notices that there’s already a package with that name).
But first of all, this protection extends only to java.lang, and not, say, java.util.
And second of all, we can distract it by putting our code in a package:

package Scratches;
class java{
    interface lang{
        class String{}
        static void main( HELP[] args ) {

As far as I can tell, there is nothing we can type instead of HELP to make the above main method runnable on the command line.
In this case though, we’re only doing “local” damage: the rest of the code in our package (outside of “interface lang”) can still use Strings.

The way this is usually described is that there is an implicit “import java.lang.*” at the start of every file.
It turns out that java.lang is more special than this description implies.

If we try the same trick with java.util, we can knock access to the entire package (but not subpackages):

package Scratches;
// the line below has no effect whether you comment it out or not.
//import java.util.Hashtable;
class java {
    interface lang {
        class String{}
        static void main( String... args ) {
            // can't fix signature to run this method.
    interface util {
        class Hashtable{}
class Main {
    public static void main( java.lang.String... args ) {
        // this method does not get called if you run from the command line
    public static void main( String... args ) {
        // this method runs from the command line just fine
        new java.util.Hashtable(); // this is our hash table, not Java's
        // the line below won't compile (no such name)
        //new java.util.HashMap();
        new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap(); // but this is fine

It’s kind of amazing how much insanity the capitalized class name convention protects us from.
(Though to be fair, Java.Util is also a fairly unlikely class name…)

speaking at the NY Java Sig and including remote attendees

This week, I spoke at the NY Java Sig reprising my QCon Java 10/11 Release Train talk.It was fun.  Last time I spoke at the NY Java Sig, I was the unplanned “opening act” for the main talk. This time, there were two planned speakers and I was one of them. I went second.

The NY Java Sig was hosted by Credit Suisse. They had 12 remote attendees from their Raleigh, NC office. We were able to hear, but not see them. They were able to see me.

I work on a distributed team so dealing with remote people I can or can’t see is just a part of me. I didn’t realize how much so until this presentation though.

When I present, I try to involve the audience a bunch of times. They raise their hands, vote on stuff, etc. Almost every time I did that, I asked someone in Raleigh to comment on how the vote looked there.

I got feedback at from the NY Credit Suisse representative that this was the first time that a speaker included them. (To be fair, most speakers don’t involve the NY audience either.) The really cool part is that I didn’t even realize I was doing it. It was just part of me; they were attending so I asked.

For this particular presentation, I had offered a couple “free conference level training” available to any of our offices remotely. So I had practiced with people I couldn’t see as well.