Rob Mee (CEO)
- Almost 3K atttendees [someone said about a third of attendees are pivotal employees]
- 50% bigger than last year in Vegas
Onsi Fakhouri – head of R&D
- Philosophy
- learning is from feedback loops
- velocity enables learning
- need to push to production quickly
- “go fast, forever”
- emphasized choice
- Announcements/what’s new [I’m not a Spring expert so hard to follow all the details; learned a lot though; also 23 announcements during 12 minutes didn’t help for pace]
- Spring has been synchronous blocking I/O model
- Spring 5/Spring Boot 2 – Reactor will bring async non-blocking I/O
- Spring Tools 4 – IDE agnostic; helps for Spring Boot
- PCF (Pivotal Cloud Foundry)
- Pivotal Application Service (PAS) – formerly Elastic, added small footprint PAS (6 VMs vs 20)
- BOSH – language/tooling for working with deployments and such, enables cloud foundry to work across platforms
- cf push – command to deploy to cloud foundry
- Can run polyglot apps
- Adding .NET support
- Adding Rabbit MQ support
- Kubernetes
- Want to be partner for all workloads
- kubernetes great container for all workloads
- Shouldn’t have to choose between Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes
- Pivotal Container Service (PKS) [yes, “K” is for “container” – Kubernetes powered by BOSH – constant compatibility
- PFS (pivotal function service)
Erich Gamma (Microsoft)
- Acknowledged elephant in the room – MIcrosoft at a Java conference
- Went through history of editors/IDEs – editor is light/fast vs IDE with more features
- VS Code
- editor with some IDE features like code understanding and debug functionality
- need extensions to make this happen
- run extensions in separate process so not vulnerable if poor extension. Communicate back to main process through RPC
- long tail problem – need deep support for many languages
- In 2016, announced language server protocol to communicate between editor and language server
- Eclipse is one of the language servers for Java.
- Other languages include Go, Python, Microsoft Languages and many more.
- Pivotal is also a language server
- Learned Rust is a language – it’s for systems [saw it in the list of languages supported]
- Did demo of Java development and cf push from VS Studio
Phil Webb (Spring Boot Lead)
- The Only Constant is Change
- Spring is an integration framework, not DI. Spring combines technologies in a way that feels natural. Achieves through dependency injection.
- “Software maintenance is not keeping it working like before. It is keep it being useful in a changing world.” – Nobody uses a cell phone from 20 years ago even if it were to work.
- Spring initializr
- say what technologies want and it creates a Maven POM or zip file of what need to get started. And keeps track of what people are choosing.
- Covered limitations – doesn’t show if removed tech or if removed later.
- ThymeLeaf in first place for view technologies followed by Freemarker
- Removed Velocity from list if chose most recent version of Spring Boot. Velocity last released in 2010. Continuing support was a liability.
- “A good developer is like a werewolf: Afraid of silver bullets”
- Stagnate if say no to everything; volatile if say yes to everything. Want to be somewhere in between.
- Kotlin
- new JVM language by JetBrains.
- Supported by latest version of Spring.
- Also an Android language
- Gradle overs DSL
- Reactive – WebFlux
- Alternative to Spring MVC
- Doesn’t use Servlet API
- Netty is default runtime. Can switch to Tomcat if want
- non-blocking
- WebClient – alternative to Spring Template.
- Picture a swimming pool with ducks – they swim end to end. Not reactive. An obstacle in the lane slows down whole thread Can only scale by adding more threads which has cost. With reactive, it’s more like the runway at an airport; only used when take off/landing
Ranji Narine (Scotiabank)
- Led technology transofmration
- 9K people in technology
- Key goals – time to-market, cost and culture
- Obstacles to velocity
- Little code reuse
- Time to do a code release
- Teams optimized for organizational hierarchy
- Infrastructure takes too long
- Time/complexity/cost
- Improvements
- Created tech shop
- APIs
- Daily releases – CI/CD pipeline – 3K deploys per month
- PCF (Pivotal Cloud Foundry)
Stephan Nicoll and Madhura Bhave (Spring Boot)
- Live demo/live coding
- Spring Initializr – can do from Bweb or from within Eclipse/IntelliJ
- Java 9
- WebTestClient – can mock or test against live server
- Data repository using MongoDB
- RestTemplate is a blocking API so WebClient to stream data instead
- Reactor streaming code
- Spring Boot 2.0
- Actuators turned off by default because can show sensitive info
- Showed animation of logo. Pixel art is fun.
Simon Wardley (Researcher)
- Humorous – buzzword strategies
- Maps –
- position matters
- can’t move San Francisco, but can move items on a “systems maps” or a ‘mind map” because not really a map
- need anchor – ex: compass
John Heveran (Liberty Mutual)
- Goals
- 60% workload in cloud
- 75% tech staff write code
- 50% apps have code to prod in a day
- Need to be able to take risks
- Learned
- Be holistic
- Think ambitiously
- Don’t constrain yourself with decisions of the past
- Did make mistakes but able to correct quickly and share lessons across org
- Accomplished
- In 10 weeks, converted 10 apps to new model
- Reduced number of apps
- Biggest mission critical app was 1.3 million lines of code