JavaOne – 10 challenges and eliminate stressful bugs

“Learn the Concepts between these 10 Java Challenges and Eliminate Stressful Bugs”

Speaker: Barry Evans & Rafael Chinelato Del Nero

For more blog posts from JavaOne, see the table of contents

Missed this one. I was late while chatting in the hallway. (and dithering about whether to go to this session of a Jigsaw one)

JVM exits if only daemon threads left. Instance variable not thredsafe. [also don’t know that last thread executes last but didn’t comment on that]

new String() and trim() create objects. == vs equals
[I fell for this. I missed == vs equals]

hashcode and equals
if hashcode always he same, doesn’t help for hashmap. Then only equals matter. Also tricky implementation for hash code to return 7

Crazy Syntax
Fun random syntax. How to obsfucate code.

Sorting and Comparables
TreeSet uses compareTo, not equals or hashcode

default methods don’t count towards single abstract method. Also, interfaces can be private

iterate() is infinite terminal operation so can’t use with forEach. Also, a good reminder to use Comparator.natural order instead of reimplementing when need.

Method Overloading
Widening then autoboxing then varargs.
int and long can “widen” to float.
wrapper class Double goes to Object before double
[I only got this one right because “does not compile” was not a choice”.]
Interesting explanation of about “taking more effort” to use autoboxing/varargs.

Virtual method invocation means doesn’t matter what store variable reference in. Overloading vs overriding #Javachallenge

My take: This was fun! Being a cert book author gave me an advantage but some were still tricky and tough! And using The Simpsons as examples was fun. He did show of hands for each option; most people didn’t raise their hand for any of the choices.

JavaOne – you got your browser in my virual machine

“You got your Browser in my virtual mchine! Leveraging sophisticated browser programming modes in your Java applicaion”

Speaker: Ean Schuseller

For more blog posts from JavaOne, see the table of contents

He started by showing a video of the Sophia (and Einstein) robots. They look surpisingly humanoid. Not the video but this is the robot. Relevant in that we need better interfaces than have now. Future: “that was the best customer service person; very patient and immune to me getting angry”

Web Extensions

  • Plugin for browser
  • Needed to use C in the past
  • Browser agnostic APIs
  • Write in JavaScript
  • Have access to browser components like history and open pages
  • Works on Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Edge. Works a bit different on Edge” [not safari yet]
  • Contains manifest.json, html and javascript code for UI, background js (runs when browser opens and state stays until close browser) and content js (what see)

Isomorphic Apps

  • Code that can run on both client and server
  • Ex: Validation logic, business logic

JavaScript in your server
Nashorn is faster in Java 9
[glad I wrote the “throwaway” chapter on Nashorn for our book. Learned a lot]


  • WebWorkers –
    Don’t want intensive logic in main UI thread. WebWorker runs message/task in background.
  • indexedDB transactional persistent data store

It takes a lot to get users to install an app because of trust. Web/online mobile “apps” continue to grow as get more powerful. Will need to have reall good reason to have an app. [irony wih the JavaOne conference app?]

Evolution in JavaScript
Frameworks, immutables reactive, functional programming, etc. Lots of ibraries. Now that more mature, Java can cherry pick from JavaScript.


    React – UI model from Facebook. Very data intensive programming
  • Reducers – Virtual DOM is rerendered based on state change and then diffed against real DOM
  • Redux – extends to single immmutable state. reducer functions “modify” state
  • Helps debugging/testing because can replay actions from older state. Also helps with undo because can just go back a few states

Filter Bubble

  • Cognitive bias from friends, reading, etc. Disagreeable facts never reach us
  • Social networks and search enginges feed us information they think we will like. Not even concious of the bias. Disparity – they know more than you about what you see
  • You trust your spam filter – it controls whether you see a message
  • Filter Bubble web extension – determines where you spend time so you know too. Uses word frequency analysis

My take: Nice to see Oracle is open minded about having JavaScript content at JavaOne. There was even a bit of Java in this talk. Good first session. A mix of things that I didn’t know, things that I knew at one point and forgot. Plus some things I know. Happy to start the day with learning!

JavaOne 2017 – Live Blogging

First time at JavaOne! This post will be updated over the next 4 days with links to all the posts while I’m here. Also, see my pictures.




