FIRST robotics 2017 background check and social security number

This year, when you register to volunteer with FIRST Robotics in VIMS, you get prompted to register in Verified Volunteers so they can do a background check. In particular to determine you don’t have a criminal history and aren’t a sex offender.  For the most part, this is straightforward. You give some minimal information about yourself. And FIRST pays the cost of the background check.US FIRST - V2


Wait? They want my Social Security Number?

The only thing in the background check that could be considered sensitive is your Social Security Number. FIRST doesn’t get this information if you choose to provide it. But Verified Volunteers does.

I have a “real” background check for my job. So I don’t have a problem with the concept of a background check. I’m not a big fan of providing unnecessary information though. Especially given the number of data breaches lately. Luckily, FIRST says you don’t have to provide it in their volunteer screening guide:



Wait, does this work?

Yes. I chose to check the “No SSN” button. I was screened within 48 hours.

How much does it cost?

As a volunteer, it costs nothing. It costs FIRST money though. $8 for the national screening. And since I am in New York State, they also paid $65 for a state one. This adds up fast. Which means FIRST is spending many thousands of dollars on background checks.

There is a thread on chief delphi about this. It’s hard to find the relevant info without reading the whole thread so putting up this blog post for easy reference.

where did the workspace go in jenkins pipelines

I was encountering an odd problem and needed to see what files were in a Jenkins workspace. For a freestyle job, this is easy; you just click on “workspace.”


Where did it go?

When using a pipeline, you can have multiple nodes in your pipeline so it isn’t that simple. As described in JENKINS-33839, this means you need to click around to get to it. While I did find it, this isn’t something I do often enough to remember so writing it up for my future self and anyone else who happens to read this. (Right after I wrote this, I saw JENKINS-34321 which does explain the steps well. Mine has pictures so might as well leave it.)

  1. First, go to the build run you are interested in and click “pipeline steps”.
  2. The click “allocate node: start”. If you have multiple nodes, you’ll need to do this more than once.
  3. Then you click the workspace link.


Implication #1 – wipe out workspace is gone

Since the workspace is no longer tied to the job, there’s also no “wipe out workspace” option. If you need to delete the workspace, you need to delete the entire run of the job. (Maybe someone had something in the build that they shouldn’t and you want it gone.) Ok. No big deal. You have to delete a bit more than before, but it isn’t as if it is something you need for posterity.

Implication #2 – multiple “workspaces”

Since you get to the workspace from within the build, I thought this meant there were multiple. And I was afraid for the disk space. Luckily, that is not the case. Within the same node, each build does re-use the same workspace. So if you go to an old build and look at the “workspace”, it is the workspace from the latest run. Which isn’t intuitive, but I’m glad it works that way.

refactoring legacy code for java 8

I asked a teammate at CodeRanch if I could use a method he wrote to show how it could be written more clearly/succinctly in Java 8. He said yes. This is the original method. It is 95 lines and has a cyclomatic complexity of 27.

public static Map<Category, List<Forum>> getBetaTopForums(BestTopicsDAO bestTopicDAO, int userId, List<Topic> bestThisYear, List<Topic> secondaryBestList){
        Map<Integer, Integer> ratings = bestTopicDAO.selectForumRatingsByUserId(userId);
        List<Integer> forumIds = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Integer> ratedForumIds = CollectionCommon.getKeysSortedByValues(ratings, true);
        final int defaultUserId = SystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.BEST_TOPICS_DEFAULT_USER_ID);
        // Let's first add the forums that are rated above 5/10
        for(Integer forumId: ratedForumIds){
            Integer r = ratings.get(forumId);
            if(r != null && r > 5){
        // Now let's add the forums found in best topics.
        if(bestThisYear != null){
            for(Topic topic: bestThisYear){
                int forumId = topic.getForumId();
        if(secondaryBestList != null){
            for(Topic topic: secondaryBestList){
                int forumId = topic.getForumId();
        // If this user is not the default-rating-user, let's add the top forums
        // rated by the default-rating-user.
        if(userId != defaultUserId) {
            Collection<Integer> fids = getTopRatedForumIds(bestTopicDAO);
            for(Integer fid: fids) {
                if(fid != null && !forumIds.contains(fid)) {
        // Let's also add some forums found in hot topics.
        List<Topic> tmpTopics = TopicRepository.getHottestTopics();
        for(Topic topic: tmpTopics){
            int forumId = topic.getForumId();
        // Finally, let's add the forums that were rated below 6/10
        for(Integer forumId: ratedForumIds){
            Integer r = ratings.get(forumId);
            if(r != null && r < 6 && !forumIds.contains(forumId)){
        Map<Category, List<Forum>> forums = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        PermissionControl pc = SecurityRepository.get(userId);
        final int maxTopForums = SystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.BETA_VIEW_MAX_TOP_FORUMS_IN_HOME);
        int forumsToShow = 0;
        // We need to remove the forums that are not visible, or rated 0/10
        for(Integer forumId: forumIds){
            if(pc.canAccess(SecurityConstants.PERM_FORUM, String.valueOf(forumId))){
                Forum f = ForumRepository.getForum(forumId);
                Category c = f != null ? ForumRepository.getCategory(f.getCategoryId()) : null;
                if(f != null && c != null && f.isShowInForumList()){
                    if(++forumsToShow > maxTopForums){
                    List<Forum> fs;
                        fs = forums.get(c);
                        fs = new ArrayList<>();
                        forums.put(c, fs);
        return forums;

First step – write unit tests

First, I wrote unit tests for the existing code to ensure I didn’t break anything. While doing that, I did some minor refactorings. (I didn’t do extract method to make the method shorter since I knew I’d be updating that later). What I did change:

  1. Removed BestTopicsDAO as a parameter. It comes from a factory and we have a mock framework setup for that factory already. So there was no reason it had to be a parameter
  2. Renamed bestThisYear to primaryBestList. (It doesn’t always represent the best for the year)

I couldn’t get 100% test coverage because a few of the null checks were unreachable due to early logic (in the helper methods.) I left them in to see the effect they’d have on conversion.

Refactoring to Java 8 – Getting started

There’s a lot of for loops here. And I suspect they are very similar. Let’s start with the first one:

for(Integer forumId: ratedForumIds){
  Integer r = ratings.get(forumId);
  if(r != null && r > 5){

I converted this to a helper method and a stream:

forumIds.addAll( -> {
  Integer r = ratings.get(id);
  return r != null && r > 5;

I’ll grant you that this code isn’t shorter than the original code. It is more similar in form to the code I expect to write next though.  Also, it’s not easier to read given I didn’t extract the two line lambda. I’m going to do that after I get rid of the similar for loops.

The next refactoring

The next one is interesting. It’s just a for loop and if statement which is easy to rewrite.

for(Topic topic: primaryBestList){
  int forumId = topic.getForumId();

which is equivalent to

  .filter(f -> ! forumIds.contains(f))

However, it is interesting because it check if the forum is already in forumIds. This shouldn’t be necessary as it is something a data structure could do. We need a data structure that is both a list (preserves order) and a set (checks for uniqueness.) Enter LinkedHashSet. It’s a set and preserves the insertion order. The JavaDoc even specifies that if you add the same element again, the order doesn’t change. Perfect. Switching forumIds to a LinkedHashSet allows for getting rid of the filter intermediate operation. And the unit tests still work.  I used the same techniques for the next five for loops.

Time to use methods

I converted two methods that had to do with ratings and three that were straight conversions.  I could have one common method they all use with identities for the filter/map that don’t apply. Two methods would be clearer. Giving me:

private static void addForumIds(Collection<Integer> forumIds, List<Topic> candidates) {
  if (candidates != null) {
    List<Integer> toAdd =;

private static void addForumIds(Collection<Integer> forumIds, Collection<Integer> candidates, Predicate<Integer> predicate) {
  if (candidates != null) {
    List<Integer> toAdd =;

The last one

The last chunk of code needed more refactoring to take care of all the forum filtering logic first. It also needed a mutable object for the counter rather than a primitive so it could be updated inside a lambda.


I could refactor this more. There’s duplication in the two lambdas. And I could extract more code into separate methods. Interestingly, the total code base is about the same as before. (It’s actually three lines longer, but I have more than three lines of comments.) But the method with the main logic is shorter and far less complicated:

public static Map<Category, List<Forum>> getBetaTopForums(int userId, List<Topic> primaryBestList, List<Topic> secondaryBestList){
        BestTopicsDAO bestTopicDAO = DataAccessDriver.newBestTopicDAO();
        Map<Integer, Integer> ratings = bestTopicDAO.selectForumRatingsByUserId(userId);
        Collection<Integer> forumIds = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        List<Integer> ratedForumIds = CollectionCommon.getKeysSortedByValues(ratings, true);
        final int defaultUserId = SystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.BEST_TOPICS_DEFAULT_USER_ID);
        // Let's first add the forums that are rated above 5/10
         addForumIds(forumIds, ratedForumIds, id -> {
            Integer r = ratings.get(id);
            return r != null && r > 5;
        // Now let's add the forums found in best topics.
        addForumIds(forumIds, primaryBestList);
        addForumIds(forumIds, secondaryBestList);
        // If this user is not the default-rating-user, let's add the top forums
        // rated by the default-rating-user.
        if(userId != defaultUserId) {
            Collection<Integer> fids = getTopRatedForumIds(bestTopicDAO);
            addForumIds(forumIds, fids, id -> id != null);
        // Let's also add some forums found in hot topics.
        List<Topic> tmpTopics = TopicRepository.getHottestTopics();
        addForumIds(forumIds, tmpTopics);

        // Finally, let's add the forums that were rated below 6/10
       addForumIds(forumIds, ratedForumIds, id -> {
            Integer r = ratings.get(id);
            return r != null && r < 6;
        Map<Category, List<Forum>> forums = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        PermissionControl pc = SecurityRepository.get(userId);
        final int maxTopForums = SystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.BETA_VIEW_MAX_TOP_FORUMS_IN_HOME);
        AtomicInteger countForumsToShow = new AtomicInteger(0);
        // We need to remove the forums that are not visible, or rated 0/10
             // skip if can't access forum
            .filter(id -> pc.canAccess(SecurityConstants.PERM_FORUM, String.valueOf(id)))
            // get forum
            // skip if forum not found or can't access
            .filter(f -> f != null && f.isShowInForumList())
            // get category
            .forEach(f -> addForumToCategory(forums, f, maxTopForums, countForumsToShow));
        return forums;
    private static void addForumToCategory(Map<Category, List<Forum>> forums, Forum f, int maxTopForums,
            AtomicInteger countForumsToShow) {
        Category c = ForumRepository.getCategory(f.getCategoryId());
        if (c != null && countForumsToShow.incrementAndGet() <= maxTopForums) {
            List<Forum> fs;
            if (forums.containsKey(c)) {
                fs = forums.get(c);
            } else {
                fs = new ArrayList<>();
                forums.put(c, fs);

    private static void addForumIds(Collection<Integer> forumIds, List<Topic> candidates) {
        if (candidates != null) {
            List<Integer> toAdd =;
    private static void addForumIds(Collection<Integer> forumIds, Collection<Integer> candidates, Predicate<Integer> predicate) {
        if (candidates != null) {
            List<Integer> toAdd =;