java 8 – writing a timer

A member at CodeRanch asked a question that prompted me to write a qucik program to determine which of two String operations were faster. This is the first time my instinct was to use Java 8 functionality to do it.

The interesting features:

  1. Uses Instant and Duration instead of System.currentTimeMillis().
  2. Uses functional programming to pass the expression to run to the timer rather than duplicating the timer logic or using a subclass
  3. Uses underscores to make # iterations more readable. (Ok, this is Java 7 not Java 8)
public class PlayTest {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		timer("string concatenation", () -> "/root/" + getFolderName()
				+ "/subfolder");
		timer("string format",
				() -> String.format("/root/%s/subfolder", getFolderName()));


	private static void timer(String message, Supplier<String> candidate) {
		Instant start =;
		int times = 1_000_000;

		for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
		Instant end =;
		System.out.println(message + " : " + Duration.between(start, end));

	private static String getFolderName() {
		return "foo";


The old way (for comparison)

public static void oldWay() {
		long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
		int times = 1_000_000;

		for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
			String s = "/root/" + getFolderName() + "/subfolder";
		long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
		System.out.println("String concatenation: " + (after - before));

The output

The output is also clearer.

string concatenation : PT0.5533S


string concatenation : 553

I actually get units of time without doing anything special now. And in case you are wondering, the conclusion is that string concatenation is faster. I expected that. It was way faster than I expected though. Twenty times faster.

eclipse luna

When I went to, I wasn’t greeted the cool Kepler book from last year. I did see “are you ready for Java 8” front and center. The matrix comparing the packages is still clear. I chose the Java EE version. The download page had a warning that “Eclipse requires Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or greater.” No problem. I’m on the latest version. I’m also on the latest version of Java 8.

Initial launch

When launching my workspace, I got the warning:

Warning: Workspace ‘/myWorkspace’ was written with an older version of the product and will be updated. Updating the workspace can make it incompatible with older versions of the product. Are you sure you want to continue with this workspace.

Which is fine. I’m not going backward. And all the important code is in Subversion or Git anyway. The “Failed to load the JNI shared library” error I got with Kepler is fixed. To be fair, it was fixed in Kepler SR 1, but I never upgraded. It’s nice to be able to launch Eclipse through the icon again though.

Installing the plugins

Like last year, I decided to install the plugins I need for Eclipse Marketplace so I can shed the plugins I tried out and don’t actually want. Cleaning plugin house once a year is nice. The biggest plugin I wanted to shed was the old experimental FIRST robotics plugin. It was never intended for Kepler. I installed it last month to write a presentation.

The significant plugins I use are listed in this table. A number of plugins were beta for Luna or I had to use the Kepler version. I don’t remember that problem in previous years.

Plugin Purpose
Mongrel Tomcat integration supporting Tomcat 7.  (The version of Sysdeo I was using seems to have had that too but at least Mongrel looks more active.) It looks like they used the Sysdeo source code and forked it since Sysdeo isn’t getting updates anymore.Last year, I tried Mongrel and fell back to Sysdeo. This year, Mongrel stuck. I’m happy with it.
Ecl Emma Code coverage
PMD and FindBugs Static analysis. For PMD, I had to use the update site. An install “happened” through Eclipse Marketplace, but I didn’t any of the PMD settings I was expecting. Using the update site gave me what I expected
Subversive To access Subversion repositories
Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (didn’t install) Groovy project/editor and console. At this time only the Kepler version is available which conflicts with other plugins I’ve installed. I’ll use the command line (or fall back to Kepler) for the time being
Eclipse Memory Analyzer For finding memory leaks. Last year this was only available via an update site. Now it is in Eclipse Marketplace.
Freemarker IDE Freemarker syntax highlighting and macro assistance.  Note that it is listed under the JBoss Tool Project. You pick that plugin and then unselect everything except “Freemarker IDE”
Python Python plugin/perspective (had to download one for Eclipse 3.6)
Code Recommenders I think this one is new for Luna. It’s supposed to be better than autocomplete. So far it is a nice toy. I do like that it prompts you when you use autocomplete to make it the default, enable subword matches, etc. Making it easy to see what is going on.

I have faster internet (FIOS) since last year so the downloading was faster. However, finding the right plugins took longer this time. And I still find it odd that Git is included and Subversion is not. Licenses I guess.

What excites me

  1. Java 8 support! This blog post shows the quick fixes and the like that are available. They did a really good job. The integration is very intuitive and “just works”
  2. eGit has come a long way. It even supports cherry picking now. I think I’ll still mostly use command line, but it is nice to have a visual option.
  3. Drag and drop to change order of the list of perspectives in the toolbar.

What frustrates me

  1. Nothing. I’m really happy with Luna

how to use cells as tab name variables in excel

I have a co-worker who is an Excel wizard. He set up a system for automatically gathering data using references to other tables. I’ve learned a lot from him like how to use lookup tables, filters, reference other files, etc. Microsoft lists out the syntax for referring to other sheets.

There was one one instance where we needed the tab name to vary based on another cell. We’ve been doing this by hand each time we add a new tab. It’s not hard, but it is boring and tedious. Being a good computer programmer, I want the computer to do tedious for me. The problem is that it doesn’t take long enough to update it by hand so I can never justify looking into it.

I recently installed Office on my Windows 8 VM because I needed to see how something looked in real Word. (vs Open Office.) Since I now have Excel, I decided to try it out. I got it working much faster than I thought.

Just like programming, I did iterations to build up to it.

Iteration 1 – sum another tab

I created file1.xlsx with two tabs: tab1 and tab2. In each, I added some numbers to the first column of each. I then wrote the formula to add them up:


Explaining what this means:

  • [file1.xlsx] – refer to another file
  • tab1 – refer to this tab in that file
  • !$A;$A – all columns in column A. The $ means to always use column A even if I copy paste the formula into multiple rows.

Iteration 2 – try to use a formula based on a String


  • INDIRECT – the indirect function lets you pass text to refer to an Excel reference

Iteration 3 – append strings to build the expression

=SUM(INDIRECT(“[file1.xlsx]tab”& A3 &”!$A:$A”))

  • & – concatenate strings