my first “thing in print”

mala-coverI was the technical proofer of Manning’s OCA book and got asked to write the foreword.  I got the book in the mail and was shocked to see “foreword by Jeanne Boyarsky” listed on the cover under the author’s name.  I’ve only noticed the foreword author listed on the cover when it is someone famous.  Or maybe it is that most books have an preface rather than a foreword.  Or maybe this is a shameless way to get me to advertise the book on my blog :).  (just kidding)   Anyway, it is AWESOME!

The publisher suggested putting the foreword on my blog.  Here it is.  Notice I got plugs in for Head First Java (from another publisher no less) and in there as well.  Speaking of plugs, feel free to read what I wrote on the blog about the OCAJP exam itself.

Note: I also contributed the equivalent of about half a chapter to the OCPJP book by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates.  That was a lot more work and is really more of an accomplishment.  It comes out around summer.  But this foreword is the first thing I’ve ever written to wind up in a print book.  Very excited.

Taking the OCA Java Programmer I exam is a bit like taking a driving test. First you learn the basics, like where the brakes are. Then you start driving, and then you get ready to take the driving test to get your license. The written test includes things every- one should know, things that you’ll never use after the road test, and some things that are tricky edge cases. While the programmer exam cares about breaks more than brakes, it certainly likes edge cases!

Consider Mala Gupta your driving instructor to get you ready for the programmer exam. Mala points out what you’ll need to know when programming in the real world—on your first job.

And consider this book your driver’s manual. It gives you the rules of the road of Java, plus the gotchas that show up on that pesky written test. But don’t worry, it is much more fun to read this book than the driver’s manual. Just like the driver’s man- ual won’t teach you everything about driving, this book won’t teach you everything there is to know about Java. If you haven’t yet, read an intro to a Java book first. Start with a book like Head First Java or Thinking in Java and then come back to this book to study for the exam.

As the technical proofreader of this book, I got to see it evolve and get better as Mala worked on it. Through the conversations we had on little things, I learned that Mala knows her stuff and is a great teacher of Java. While I’ve only technical proofread a handful of books, I’ve posted reviews of over 150 technical books on Amazon, which makes it easy to spot a book that isn’t clear or helpful. I’m happy to say that Mala’s explanations are all very clear, and the pointers are great.

I also got to read Mala’s posts in the certification forums at She’s been sharing updates about the exam as it comes out and posting fairly regularly for over a year. As a senior moderator at, it is great to see an author sharing her wisdom. It’s also nice to see the similarity in writing style between the forum posts and the book. This shows the book is readable and written in an easy-to-understand, casual style.

I particularly liked the diagrams, flow charts, and cartoons in this book. And, of course, the annotated code examples I’ve come to expect from any Manning book. Each chapter ends with sample mock exam questions and there is a full mock exam at the end. This gives you good practice in getting ready for the exam. Wrong answers are well explained so you don’t make the same mistakes over and over.

My favorite part of the book is the “Twist in the Tale” exercises. Mala gives a num- ber of examples of how making a seemingly minor change to the code can have major consequences. These exercises develop your attention to detail so you are more obser- vant for the mock exam questions and the exam itself.

I had already passed the OCA Java Programmer exam with a score of 98% before reading this book. If I hadn’t, the questions would have prepared me for the exam. Studying from this book will give you the skills and confidence you need to become an Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer. Happy coding and good luck on the exam!




csrf for JForum without javascript

In February, I wrote a three part series on how we fixed JForum on coderanch to protect from CSRF.  In included;

  1. Analysis
  2. Extending OWASP
  3. Problems

Remaining problems

Unfortunately, there were three remaining problems.

  1. Some mobile devices weren’t able to handle the JavaScript which added the tokens.  Meaning our site didn’t work on all mobile devices.
  2. The CSRF token was in the URL of thread links which meant people were sharing those links with tokens in them.  This isn’t a significant security risk, but it does confuse Google which is bad for SEO.  It is a tiny security risk in that if someone posts their current CSRF token, that user can be targeted for a CSRF attack until that token expires.
  3. Some people take a really long time to write a post or have lunch in the middle and the token expires.  Giving them a CSRF error page when they finally finish.

This blog post shows how we solved these problems.

Ending requirement for JavaScript to set CSRF token and getting token out of URLS

In general, there are three options for setting a CSRF token in forums/URLs: JavaScript, a filter to change the HTML at runtime before it gets served to the client or hard coding the token.

Based on our experience with mobile devices, we decided not to go with option1 (JavaScript.)  I had used a technique similar to option 2 (changing the HTML as it goes by) to transform our JForum URLs to a different format.  This turned out to be more complex on a forum where users routinely post code.  The same problem would occur here so I decided against that option.  We don’t want to be adding CSRF tokens to code user’s post in questions.  And we certainly don’t want someone to be able to inject a CSRF attack in a post!

This left me with option 3 – hard coding the token.  There were a few steps to implementing this option:

  1. The JavaScript solution added the token to URLs in addition to forms.  This wasn’t “good” in the first place in that URLs shouldn’t be changing database state.  I had recognized this as a shortcoming back in February but lacked the time to fix it then.  There’s a representative list of these pages/URLs on github.  Many were fixed by a one to one conversion of links to forms. (with POST as the method.)  A few were fixed with a generic form on the page and JavaScript that calls it.  We used the generic JavaScript form for some admin links to save bandwidth. Most of these aren’t available in the mobile view anyway.  And moderators weren’t the ones having JavaScript issues in the first place – probably because we have newer mobile devices.
    </span></span>function submitActionForForum(actionVerb, forumId) {
    var action = document.actionForm.action;
    action = action.replace("ACTION", actionVerb);
    action = action.replace("FORUM_ID", forumId);
    document.actionForm.action = action;
  2. At this point we don’t need to add tokens to anchors.
  3. Remove AddJavaScriptServletFilter and JavaScriptServlet so tokens are no longer generated by JavaScript.
  4. Add token to all forms:
    <input type="hidden" name="OWASP_CSRFTOKEN" value="${OWASP_CSRFTOKEN!""}" />
  5. For forms containing multipart/form-data (there were less than 10 of these), add to the URL:(this is needed because the multipart request is only parsed once – later on in the process and the parameter isn’t available to us in the filter)
  6. In parallel to the previous two steps, I wrote a unit test to ensure I didn’t miss any required tokens AND to alert anyone adding a form to the codebase in the future about the need to add a token.  Unit test available on github.
The other problem – session timeouts
My first thought was to use AJAX to keep the session active as long as the browser is open.  This session isn’t ideal as some users keep their browser open all day.  I talked to the site owner and we agreed on a three hour timeout for CSRF tokens based on inactivity.  (This also has the advantage of the token surviving a server restart which we do for deployments.)
I implemented by creating a database table with the user id and token.  I have a TimerTask that deletes any tokens over three hours old and runs every 15 minutes.  (This isn’t strictly accurate as it keeps the token alive as long as the user session or the token is less than 3 hours old.  So if I have an active session for 2 hours 55 minutes and a server restart happens, I lose my token.  This implementation may change if it turns out to be a problem in reality.  The current filter and helper class are now online for reference.
What I learned
It’s a lot harder to protect against CSRF on a public website than one with controlled users.  This was an interesting project though.

ken kousen on groovy

I saw Ken Kousen deliver his intro to Groovy talk today at the NY Java SIG.  While I’ve done some small things with Groovy, I’ve forgotten a lot of what I once knew.   Some of it, i remembered/used but am including here so this isn’t random facts but a summary of what was presented. Blogging about it this time in hopes I can retain more.

First of all, Ken is a great speaker.  If you have the chance to see him in person, go.  He:

  • is entertaining – programmer humor
  • presents info clearly
  • has well thought out examples
  • switches well between the groovy console, command line, browser and slides.  While there were frequent switches, it was easy to follow
  • live examples. Surprises and mistakes and all for humor in json examples provided energy towards the end

Useful links

Now on to Groovy

What is groovy

  • Groovy is like Java 3. Other jvm languages are simulating other languages like jythong or special purpose like functional languages. Groovy is a general purpose like a next generation OO language. Plus you can fall back to Java and make it “groovier” later [which is great for learning]
  • Compiles to bytecode.  Also a C compiler is available.
  • If the name of your groovy file matches the name of the class, you can only have a class in the file. Otherwise you can put multiple classes or even just scripts in the file. Ken’s convention is to use underscores in filenames for scripts to identify them.
  • Hello world is println “hi” [yes, that’s it]
  • Parens are optional “until they are not”. They have a low precedence.  Can leave out if obvious where they go
  • Semicolons are always optional
  • Perls goal is to write the shortest code possible. Groovy’s goal is to write the simplest code possible.
  • Testing and build are the place to start with groovy when introducing into a reluctant organization

Options to run

  • groovy foo.groovvy – don’t have to compile first. Should compile first when use it for real though. If want to integrate with java, must run groovyc to compile since java requires class files.
  • The class files require groovy in the claspath to run with “java” rather than “groovy”. In groovy home, embedable directory contains groovy-all and groovy-allindy. The later is for invoke dynamic in Java


  • Groovy Grails Tool Suite – for Eclipse
  • Groovy menu has convert file extensions to groovy where right click java class. This lets you refactor slowly. [Or if create java class by accident like often do]

Operator overloading

  • Every operator corresponds to a method.  This means if your class implements that method, you can use that operator.  This lets you write new Date() + 7 to get a date a week in the future.
  • ** is power operator
  • [] goes with getAt or putAt methods.  This is what lets you say s[-1] or s[0..2] instead of pure array indexes.  The getAt/putAt methods understand how to navigate.  The methods also know to call next for 0..2 and prev for -3..-1.  I also learned you can specify multiple ranges such as as s[0..2,4..5]
  • In groovy == calls the equals method. Which means just converting a java class can result in an infinite recursion. Run your tests when refactoring
  • To append: list << value

Groovy Types

  • 123.getClass().getName() is an Integer. If you make it bigger becomes long or BigInteger dynamically.
  • 2 – 1.1 uses BigDecimal so accurate unlike 2d – 1.1d which has Java roundoff error from using doubles.
  • GString “test ${name}” uses interpolation to substitute the variable name. You don’t need braces if just one variable
  • Single quotes are Java strings
  • Double quotes are groovy strings
  • Triple quotes are for multi line strings.  Useful for SQL.
  • Def means don’t know or care about type
  • Duck typing. Can call any methods on def oject. If method exists at runtime ,call it. Else throw MissingMethodException at runtime.
  • Map keys assumed to be Strings

Groovy translation

  • works. When it looks like you are referencing a private field, groovy adds get or set to call appropriate methods. The runtime environment provides getter and setter methods so  you don’t need to write them
  • Don’t need to type return belcause last expression is automatically returned

Plain Old Groovy Object (POGO)
Generates at runtime:

  • getter/setter – If don’t want setter, add final to instance variable.  If don’t want getter or setter on instance variable, type private.
  • map based constructor
  • class and methods public by default
  • instance variables private by default

All you have to write is a class and the types.  If you implement a method, Groovy will use yours and not generate it.  If using the map based constructor, Groovy calls the default constructor and any appropriate setters.  This means you don’t need overloaded constructors.

class Person{
String first
String last

Person p = new Person()
println "$p.first"

new Person(first: 'a', last: 'b')

Walkthru of converting a POJO to a POGO

  1. Remove getters and setters
  2. Remove private from  instance variables
  3. Remove semicolons
  4. Remove constructor – need to use map constructor – affects callers [not backward compatible to simplify all the way]
  5. Remove public on class
  6. Remove import for java.util.Date
  7. Add @Canonical which includes @ToString, @TupleConstructor and @EqualsAndHashCode.  All are AST transformations
Changing types
  • [1,2] creates list
  • LinkedList a = [1] makes the desired type
  • [1] as Set also creates the desired type


listOfStrings.each { /* code using it as default loop variable */ }

map.each{ k,v -> /* code */ }

list.collect{ /* transform to new list where results make up the new list */ }.join(',')  // map reduce

Closure coercion can be used for an anonymouse inner class
{ /* code */} as FilenameFilter
Useful when an interface has only one method because uses implemetation for all methods in interfaces.  Could pass a map of closures but might as well implement interface then.

Helpful classes/methods

  • Groovy adds toURL to String class and getText to Url class masking query.toUrl().text a one liner
  • XMLSlurper lets you get a dom tree from a URL which you can then navigate as tree.root.result[o] 
  • db.rows(“selet * from table”)
  • db.eachrow(” query “){ /*code */}
  • groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(json)
  • groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder to create. Similarly for xml, json and ant
  • Must test code since constraints we are used to are gone
  • Spock over GroovyTestCase – very nice framework.  See example in github/book

Random interesting tips

  • Can use map based constructor on a pojo too because groovy will call default constructor and set methods
  • foo.with{} calls for any methods not found in scope
  • Meta programming: add methods to class that need. Even to a java class. {}.  Every class has a metaclass.