Improving the custom Android Gallery

I was looking for a custom gallery for displaying and selecting images on an Android phone, and while I found the sample code here to be a good start it needed some work before it was useful.

Before starting, it is worth pointing out that the Android API supplies a perfectly useful image gallery, and the StackOverflow thread how to pick a image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in android? has everything you need to get plug it into your own application.

If you require customised behaviour it isn’t too hard to get something rough working, so go to the original thread and create the ImageThumbnailsActivity and ViewImage classes, then configure the AndroidManifest.xml, res/layout/main.xml and missing res/values/strings.xml files.

The layout specifies a single GridView to hold the images, and the main ImageThumbnailsActivity activity performs two main jobs. First it loads all existing thumbnails and provides the code necessary to interact with the thumbnail if it is selected, and it has a nested adapter to manage the display of the thumbnails using a Cursor position into the GridView.

There are quite a few comments in the original posting indicating that the code is not quite right, and if you run it on a phone with a decent history of photos you’ll get some unusual behaviour. The two main issues are that firstly there are far more thumbnails displayed than there are images stored, and secondly that the images displayed are repeated as you scroll through the gallery.

The first issue can be resolved using the StackOverflow thread here and involves initially loading the full images rather than the thumbnail, but associating with the thumbnail when displaying on the grid. This means that we don’t try to show a thumbnail for an image that no longer exists or is incorrect for some other reason.

The second issue is a little more involved, but related to the fact that the nested ImageAdapter class will attempt to reuse View instances if possible (in the getView method), and the code provided assumes that if a View is returned to be reused that it is correct, which it is not. The GridView only creates as many View instances as required to fill the screen. Once you scroll to a new section it asks if you want to reuse the instances that have scrolled off the screen. Obviously this is an acceptable reuse of resources, but the reused instances will be showing the thumbnail for a different picture and will need to be updated.

As a matter of style, I also made the following changes:

  • Remove all of the System.gc() calls, they aren’t required.
  • close cursors
  • make variables local where applicable
  • as stated we load images from the MediaStore.Images.Media rather than the MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails but return the thumbnail for display.
  • specify the MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MICRO_KIND for display. The benefit here is that the images are the size we intend to show and eliminited scaling. Feel free to play with settings but I found this the most pleasing layout and matches the existing Android gallery

Finally, if you look up the thumbnail when the View is visible on the screen, the scrolling is slow and limited to a row at a time rather than being able to race past images they do not want. Since we specify the thumbnails as the smallest size, I chose to load and cache the for the thumbnails so they are ready to display when required.

Just to Review

We’re doing this to provide a customised image gallery. The Android gallery is fully functional and should suit most needs, but if for example you also needed to display the file name or size, date or other information, this solution allows a custom View on the GridView.

Everything else remains the same, and the updated ImageThumbnailsActivity looks like this:

public class ImageThumbnailsActivity extends Activity
    private int count;
     * Caching this is a trade off in memory versus performance.
     * We deliberated use the smallest thumbnails so the size of each should be small (92x92x1 byte = about 10kb each)
     * but can be significant if there are thousands of images on the device.
    private Bitmap[] windows;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

    private void init_phone_image_grid()
        final String[] columns = { MediaStore.Images.Media._ID };
        final String orderBy = MediaStore.Images.Media._ID;
        Cursor imagecursor = managedQuery(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, columns, null, null, orderBy);
        int image_column_index = imagecursor.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.Media._ID);
        this.count = imagecursor.getCount(); = new Bitmap[this.count];
        for(int i=0;i<this.count;i++)
            int id = imagecursor.getInt(image_column_index);
            windows[i] = MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.getThumbnail(getApplicationContext().getContentResolver(),
                    id, MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MICRO_KIND, null);
        GridView imagegrid = (GridView) findViewById(;
        imagegrid.setAdapter(new ImageAdapter(getApplicationContext()));
        imagegrid.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
            public void onItemClick(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") AdapterView parent, View v, int position, long id)
                String[] columns = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA, MediaStore.Images.Media._ID };
                Cursor actualimagecursor = managedQuery(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, columns, null, null, null);
                final int dataColumnIndex = actualimagecursor.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA);
                final int idColumnIndex = actualimagecursor.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.Media._ID);
                final String filename = actualimagecursor.getString(dataColumnIndex);
                final long imageId = actualimagecursor.getLong(idColumnIndex);
                final Intent intent = new Intent(ImageThumbnailsActivity.this, ViewImage.class);
                intent.putExtra("filename", filename);
                intent.putExtra("dataUid", imageId);

    public class ImageAdapter extends BaseAdapter
        private Context mContext;

        public ImageAdapter(Context c)
            mContext = c;

        public int getCount()
            return count;

        public Object getItem(int position)
            return position;

        public long getItemId(int position)
            return position;

        public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
            ImageView i = (ImageView)convertView;
                i = new ImageView(mContext.getApplicationContext());
                i.setLayoutParams(new GridView.LayoutParams(92, 92));
            return i;

eclipse 3.7 on the new mac – 8 good features & 1 bad + my plugin list

I downloaded Eclipse 3.7/Indigo release.  Since I got my Mac so recently, I waited to install development tools and create a new Mac workspace until Indigo came out.  My first set of installs on a Mac had some extra unexpected surprises of course.  Installing Postgres didn’t go nearly as smoothly as Eclipse.  Check back for the blog post on that!


I went with the JavaEE developer release since it has web functionality built in.  I confirmed I had a 64 bit machine by running uname -a.  I also finally realized the clue that I’ve clicked download.  It’s that the download icon turns into a progress icon or changes the icon to my most recent download.


When I selected the download, it automatically unzipped it to downloads.  I then dragged it to the applications folder and added Eclipse to the dock as described.  Somehow I downloaded Helios instead of Indigo and had to do it again.  Not sure how that happened since I downloaded on Indigo release day.  I’ll assume I was tired.

Eclipse itself

My plugin install list contains what I used in Eclipse 3.6 plus a number of others.  This time I used Marketplace Client to try to get the plugins.  It’s nice that you can browse plugins and get ideas for things to install that you didn’t know about.  It’s not much easier to install, but it wasn’t exactly hard before.

Plugin Purpose Marketplace Experience
Sysdeo Tomcat integration Listed, but no install link. Still must install by unzipping into plugins directory.
EclEmma Code Coverage Smooth – click and install
PMD Static analysis Listed, but no install link. Had to use install site link directly.
Subversive To access Subversion repositories Smooth – click and install
eGit To access Git repositories (or run your own locally) Smooth – click and install
Hibernate Tools JPA assistance Did not install. There was a conflict with the built into JPA perspective in the JEE version of Eclipse. While I usually hand create my entities, I like having the plugin available but this isn’t a big deal.  The built into one appears to do the same thing.  And more likely, I wouldn’t use them either.
Groovy Groovy project/editor and console Couldn’t find in Marketplace, but think it is there.  Installed from install site link.
Freemarker IDE Freemarker syntax highlighting and macro assistance. Didn’t look in Marketplace.  I didn’t know this existed, but JBoss supplies it at the same URL as Hibernate Tools and I found it by accident.  Since JForum (CodeRanch) uses Freemarker, this could be helpful.  Trying it for five minutes, the syntax highlighting made the install worth it.
m2Eclipse Maven Smooth – click and install

What I like

In Eclipse 3.6, there were only 4 features I liked enough to remark upon.  This time, there are twice as many!

  1. A few versions of Eclipse ago if you had m.method(one, two) and tried to delete the “method” followed by autocomplete, it left the parenthesis and parameters alone.  Since at least Eclipse 3.5, it would add an extra set of parens and parameter templates.  Horribly annoying.  In Eclipse 3.7, it goes back to the original behavior.  Very excited about this fix!  This wasn’t reproducable, I think it was luck.
  2. JPA annotation autocomplete got better.  This is a minor convenience.
  3. Secure storage – passwords are now stored encrypted on disk.   This does mean anyone who uses your computer/account can commit on your behalf.  Not a problem on my home computer.
  4. “Document proxy icons in Cocoa” – you can drag an icon in the title bar to another application.  Sounds like it has potential.
  5. You can open the same file in different editors at the same time.  This is nice because I sometimes like to be in the visual and XML views.
  6. Being able to filter the compiler settings preferences.  (That list has grown so long it is hard to find specific options.)
  7. Compiler setting to ignore unavoidable generics problems (when calling legacy code.)  This is nice because it avoids false positives.  There is a risk because you have to be extra careful in that space, but I’ll find that in unit test.
  8. Paste URL into JUnit view – useful for loading an Ant or Maven junit report XML file from a nightly build.

And my worst feature

  1. The extract method keyboard shortcut is gone!  I use this one a lot.  It was there on Mac Eclipse 3.6.   You can still use the menus, but that is less efficient.

Mac Stuff

Since I had downloaded Eclipse 3.6 for the Mac, I installed it as well to see what was a Mac issue and what was an Eclipse 3.7 issue.  Here’s what is not new in Eclipse 3.7, but was new to me.

  1. In Safari, control left/right arrow take you the beginning/end of the line.  Which is convenient because shift + control + arrow highlights the line.   (I learned today that the command/apple key does the same as control although it is more awkward to type.)  In Eclipse, command left/right arrows takes you to the beginning/end of the line but control does not. Luckily, command + arrow does work in Safari so I’ll be using that shortcut now.  (It would be nice if there was a standard across applications for this – pgadmin doesn’t work the same way as either of these and I haven’t found the keyboard shortcut there yet.)
  2. My integration tests went down from three minutes to seven seconds!  This isn’t a Mac thing – it’s a six year old machine vs brand new machine.  But still cool.  I didn’t know they could run so fast.
  3. I changed the Mac system preferences to turn on “Use all F1, F2, etc keys as standard function keys”.  Having to press “fn” to use the debugger was quite annoying. I use the special keys a lot less than the function keys overall.  And when I am changing the sound volume, I’m not in the middle of typing/debugging.  I wish I could change it on only one of my two keyboards.  (I’m using a standalone keyboard where I care about the function keys being reversed.)  Not important, but it would be cool if I could switch to use the built in keyboard without the function key.

Java Enums can implement Interfaces

Something which came as a surprise to me but ended up quite useful, was that enums in Java can also implement interfaces.

A typical enumeration in Java, introduced in Java 5, looks like a String value, but also introduces other features which make them a particularly useful language feature. Besides looking like an typical enumeration with a finite ordered list of values, it is also possible to attach additional information to each enumeration value.

A basic enumeration, which defines the four suits in a typical set of cards looks like this:

public enum Suit 

To attach additional information to the enumerated type, add a private constructor, add a private field, and get each enumeration value to call the new constructor.

public enum Numbers {
	One(1), Two(2), Three(3);

	private Numbers(int value)
		this.value = value;
	public int getValue()
		return this.value;
	private int value;

In the example above, we also introduced the getValue() method. This introduces the concept of behaviour to our enumeration; not something we would normally consider. It also lends itself to the idea of common behaviour between enumerated types.

To show how this works, consider an interface which defines the mapping between a class and a table.

public interface DatabaseMapping {
	public String getType();
	public boolean isKey();
	public boolean isNullable();
	//public String name();

The method name() is commented for now, we’ll get back to that in a minute.

To use this, we can now create a new Java class and then define the mapping of that class to a database.

public class Person {
	public String getFirstname() {
		return firstname;
	public void setFirstname(String firstname) {
		this.firstname = firstname;
	public String getLastname() {
		return lastname;
	public void setLastname(String lastname) {
		this.lastname = lastname;
	public int getAge() {
		return age;
	public void setAge(int age) {
		this.age = age;
	private String firstname;
	private String lastname;
	private int age;

(I realise there are better ways to map a class to a database table, this example is contrived) When we define the mapping from our class to our table, we can define a separate mapping class. We create this class, we will make it an enumeration and allow each class/database field to be a member in an enumeration.

public enum PersonMapping {
	personId, firstname, lastname, age;

Using the trick where we are able to attach additional information to enumerated types, we define some of the database mapping details:

public enum PersonMapping {
	personId("INTEGER", true, false), 
	firstname("TEXT", false, false), 
	lastname("TEXT", false, false),
	age("INTEGER", false, false);
	private PersonMapping(String type, boolean key, boolean nullable )
		this.type = type;
		this.key = key;
		this.nullable = nullable;
	public String getType() {
		return type;
	public boolean isKey() {
		return key;
	public boolean isNullable() {
		return nullable;
	private final String type;
	private final boolean key;
	private final boolean nullable;

So now we are able to use the enumeration to iterate the fields and do some database stuff. For the moment we’ll hold off including the interface.

public String dbTableCreate(String tableName) {
	StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Create table ");
	for (PersonMapping column : PersonMapping.values()) {
		builder.append(" ");
		builder.append(column.isKey() ? " primary key" : "");
		builder.append(", ");
	builder = new StringBuilder(builder.substring(0, builder.length() - 2));
	return builder.toString();

Which looks fine for our PersonMapping enumerated type, but doesn’t allow us to plug in different class-to-database mappings. Time to introduce the interface. Looking closely at the code above, we need to use two of the additional methods available to all enumerations, name() and values(). The first returns the text name of the current enumerated value, and the second allows us to access the values that make up this enumerated type.

First add the interface to the enumeration:

public enum PersonMapping implements MappingEnum{

Uncomment the name() method so that it can be accessed from the interface.

public interface MappingEnum {
	public String getType();
	public boolean isKey();
	public boolean isNullable();
	public String name();

Final piece of the puzzle is to write the dbTableCreate() above to allow it to be reused with other enumerated types. The problem we need to work around is that the values() method is static, making it difficult to pass the enumerated type to the method. The simple solution is to call the method explicitly and pass the values:

dbTableCreate("tableName", PersonMapping.values()));

… and realise that we can now receive the values using the interface …

public String dbTableCreate(String tableName, MappingEnum[] values) {
	StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Create table ");
	for (MappingEnum column : values) {
		builder.append(" ");
		builder.append(column.isKey() ? " primary key" : "");
		builder.append(", ");
	builder = new StringBuilder(builder.substring(0, builder.length() - 2));
	return builder.toString();


* Enumerations can store additional data and have additional methods,
* Enumerations can use interfaces to define behaviour,
* Enumerated item behaviour can be accessed via an interface, the same as regular Java classes,
* The values() method from enumerations can be used to return an array of a interface.

Combined, it allows us to treat enumerated types as both regular Java classes and enumerated types and interact using common behaviour rather than being tied to a single implementation.