JUnit 5 – assertAll

I gave a half day JUnit 5 workshop at DevNexus last week. When I covered assertAll(), an interesting piece of code came up. In JUnit 5, there is an assertAll() which runs all of the assertions it contains so you can see all of them that failed at once.  This replaces the need for AssertJ’s SoftAssertions.

So how many assertions do you think this will fail with?

public void all() {
  assertAll("message", () -> {
    assertEquals(1, 2);
    assertEquals(3, 4);

The fact that this is a blog post should get you nice and suspicious. The answer is one:

org.opentest4j.MultipleFailuresError: message (1 failure)
expected: <1> but was: <2>

Why is this? Well, remember that assertAll takes a vararg of Executables (lambdas in this case.) However, the above code only has one lambda. So JUnit runs the two asserts in the same block which makes them happen sequentailly.

To fix this, you need to pass separate lambdas for each assertions.

public void all() {
	() -> assertEquals(1, 2), 
	() -> assertEquals(3, 4));

Ah this one tells you about both failures.

org.opentest4j.MultipleFailuresError: message (2 failures)
expected: <1> but was: <2>
expected: <3> but was: <4>

Thanks to Steve Kiley for asking the question that led to this blog post!

junit 5, gradle and containers

Up until recently, I’ve been using JUnit 5 with Eclipse and Maven. As I started using it with Gradle, I became frustrated that you couldn’t see the number of tests run when the tests succeeded. (Don’t worry; this is an easily solvable problem.)

First JUnit 4

You can add code to have Groovy print the number of tests. This matches the number of tests that Eclipse/Maven say are run.

test {
   afterSuite { desc, result ->
    	     if (!desc.parent)
        		println("${result.resultType} " +
            "(${result.testCount} tests, " +
            "${result.successfulTestCount} successes, " +
            "${result.failedTestCount} failures, " +
            "${result.skippedTestCount} skipped)")

On to JUnit 5
It’s even less code to ask JUnit 5 to print the test results:

junitPlatform {
  details 'tree'

This prints something like

Test run finished after 2518 ms
 [ 20 containers found ]
 [ 0 containers skipped ]
 [ 20 containers started ]
 [ 0 containers aborted ]
 [ 20 containers successful ]
 [ 0 containers failed ]
 [ 27 tests found ]
 [ 1 tests skipped ]
 [ 26 tests started ]
 [ 0 tests aborted ]
 [ 26 tests successful ]
 [ 0 tests failed ]

I agree that I have 27 tests with 1 skipped. But what’s this 20 containers? As you can see from the tree, we have:

  • 1 – JUnit Vintage – to run the JUnit 3/4 tests
  • 1 – JUnit Jupiter – to run the JUnit 5 tests (I didn’t have any in the project at the time I captured this tree so it is an empty container; but still counts)
  • 9 – JUnit test classes
  • 9 – The nine data elements in my parameterized test.

├─ JUnit Vintage ✔
│ ├─ com.devnexus.workshop.junit5.CentennialOlympicParkTest ✔
│ │ ├─ oldestForFirstElement ✔
│ │ ├─ oldestForLastElement ✔
│ │ ├─ oldestForEmptyList ✔
│ │ └─ url ✔
│ ├─ com.devnexus.workshop.junit5.EarthquakeTimeoutTest ✔
│ │ └─ timeout ✔
│ ├─ com.devnexus.workshop.junit5.ParkBuildingTest ✔
│ │ ├─ equalsValues ✔
│ │ └─ hashCodeValues ✔
│ ├─ com.devnexus.workshop.junit5.EarthquakeTest ✔
│ │ ├─ usingStandalone ✔
│ │ ├─ noMessageChecking ✔
│ │ └─ usingRule ✔
│ ├─ com.devnexus.workshop.junit5.GeorgiaAquariumTest ✔
│ │ ├─ namesOfShows ✔
│ │ └─ numberLines ✔
│ ├─ com.devnexus.workshop.junit5.OlympicsDatesTest ✔
│ │ ├─ [1996-07-19] ✔
│ │ │ └─ date[1996-07-19] ✔
│ │ ├─ [1996-07-20] ✔
│ │ │ └─ date[1996-07-20] ✔
│ │ ├─ [1996-07-31] ✔
│ │ │ └─ date[1996-07-31] ✔
│ │ ├─ [1996-08-03] ✔
│ │ │ └─ date[1996-08-03] ✔
│ │ ├─ [1996-08-04] ✔
│ │ │ └─ date[1996-08-04] ✔
│ │ ├─ [1996-07-18] ✔
│ │ │ └─ date[1996-07-18] ✔
│ │ ├─ [1996-08-05] ✔
│ │ │ └─ date[1996-08-05] ✔
│ │ ├─ [1997-07-18] ✔
│ │ │ └─ date[1997-07-18] ✔
│ │ └─ [1995-08-01] ✔
│ │ └─ date[1995-08-01] ✔
│ ├─ com.devnexus.workshop.junit5.CentennialOlympicParkEnumTest ✔
│ │ └─ allClosingTimesAfter9pm ✔
│ ├─ com.devnexus.workshop.junit5.ShakeExceptionTest ✔
│ │ └─ message ↷ this test is ignored becuase it is unnecessary
│ └─ com.devnexus.workshop.junit5.GeorgiaAquariumWaitTest ✔
│ ├─ plentyOfTime ✔
│ ├─ exactOpening ✔
│ ├─ anyMinuteNow ✔
│ └─ alreadyOpen ✔
└─ JUnit Jupiter ✔

Test run finished after 2518 ms
[ 20 containers found ]
[ 0 containers skipped ]
[ 20 containers started ]
[ 0 containers aborted ]
[ 20 containers successful ]
[ 0 containers failed ]
[ 27 tests found ]
[ 1 tests skipped ]
[ 26 tests started ]
[ 0 tests aborted ]
[ 26 tests successful ]
[ 0 tests failed ]


upgrading mockito – forwards and backwards

I upgraded Mockito from 1.X to 2.X. (Because I wanted to try out the JUnit 5 MockitoExtension.

JUnit 4

I like @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class). The two main benefits:

  • Inject mocks as instance variables instead of static call to MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
  • Tells you about unnecessary mock setup calls you have.

JUnit 5

Instead of the Mockito Runner, you use @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class). This was written by the JUnit 5 team. The two main benefits:

  • Inject mocks as instance variables
  • Inject mocks as method parameters

What’s missing

In JUnit 5, Mockito no longer tells you about extra setup code that you should delete. And neither version automatically calls verify() like JMock does. I miss that feature and wish Mockito had it. It is nice to be able to have the mock library tell you the actual code didn’t call an expected value without having to remember to code a call to verify the mock. (If Mockito does have it and I didn’t notice, please leave a comment!)