This post is my live blog from KCDC. For more, see the 2021 KCDC live blog TOC
Speaker: Pratik Patel (Azul)
Twitter @prpatel
- Monoliths are not elastic. Cloud is
- Doesn’t waste money
- Must design for elasticity
- We learn to avoid premature optimization/keep it simple stupid. In the cloud, we have to do some optimization
- Need to design for horizontal scaling (adding more servers/virtual servers)
- Need entire architecture to be elastic. Else have created a bottleneck
- Think about cosT, adapabiity/agil/security, time to market
Cloud native review
- Containerized
- Dynamically orchestrated (actively schedule containers to optimize resource utiilization)
- Microservices oriented (try to avoid dependencies between microservices – not possible to avoid, but minimize)
Types of Patterns
- Design and implementation – covered today
- Performance and scalabity
- Data management
- Availability and reliabliliy
Ambassador Pattern
- For transitioning legacy apps – could be monolith or SOAP or Java EE or Spring Boot or whatever to microservices
- The Ambassador is a proxy. It adds monitoring, retry and a protocol adapter (hide SOAP/RMI from clients) and delegates to the legacy app.
- This lets the callers all the Ambassador and get these cloud capabilities.
- Implemented as a sidecar (does extra stuff)
- Use Spring RestTemplate (now called WebClient) or Microprofile Rest client 2.0
- For end user/callers
Anti-corruption pattern
- Also for transitioning legacy apps
- Callers is another service (microservice, cloud function, event driven api)
- Does more than ambassador.
- Facade/adapter pattern
- Firewalls legacy apps
- Useful for migrating large glegacy app
- Protocol adapers
- Legacy unchangeable APIs
- Compartmentalize legacy app to protect requests coming in and rest of system in case something gos wrong
- Spring Reg Template or Microprofile Rest client 2.0
- Must define specific endpoints
Gateway aggregation pattern
- For when app needs to call multiple services (ex: auth, media)
- Calls multiple services and returns the results of multiple services to caller in one shot
- Groups related services into one API call
- Avoids death star anti-pattern when everything cals everything else
- Client calls gateway not services directly
- MUst think about how to handle failures in downstream services
- Use SprIng AsyncRestTemplate (or web client) or GraphQL (Sprin, Microproile or SmallRye) – note that graphql introduces dependencies. Good to return a bunch of related data.
Back end for front end (BFF)
- For flexibiity and performance
- Adapter by client type (ex: mobile, web mobile, web desktop)
- Returns data in way most practical and efficient for that client
- Calls microservice and/or legacy app
- Can be an implementation of a gateway aggregation pattern
- Make sure not premature optimzation
- Data can be shaped and size for specific needs
- Improved performance
- Could introduce code duplication
- Are front and back end devs on same team.
- Sprint AsyncRet Tmplate or Microprofile CompetableFuture or RestClientBuilder
- Can be different URLs by service type – ex: mobile url (or header sniffing in API gateway)
Gateway Routing
- Commonly used/misused
- Calls proper service based on URL
- Helps minimize change to clients
- Reducing coupling directly to services
- Tradeoffs: latency, bottleneck
- Spring RestController or Microprofile JAXRS. Or cloud pattforms APAI gateway
My take
This was very fast moving, but I found it understandable. I learned a lot. I liked Pratik’s hand drawings of the patterns. It was also interesting that most people were using AWS at a primarily .NET conference