Mastering JPA Performance
Speaker: Thomas Broll
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- Users complain
- With microservices more important beause more calls
- Apache lang has ImmutableTriple class
- Monior – number sql statemtenrs, cpu, i/o
- hibernate.show_sql = true
- run jstack while transaction running to see where stuck
- Check JDBC driver batch size
Create – Performance improvements
Scenario: writing large amounts of data
- Use table generator (vs sequence generator) where gt batch of ids so not a roud trip to get it each time. Even better to use external UUID generator
- JPA only supports one open batch. But goes to database if do a query or persist a different entity. So faster if persist by entity
Read – Performance improvements
- 1+N problem. One statement in code. Executes more statement to get relationships. All, XToOne are eagerly loaded
- Can provide hints to eagerly or lazy load
- fetch query to get data actually needed – can put it in the JQL query
- Can get Hibernate statistics for number of queries/loads/fetches
- Cal setFirstResult() and setMaxResults() on query object
Update – Performance improvements
- Auto flushes are caused by transaction commit, insert/delete, query or explicitly flush()
- Performance cost due to dirty checks and actual updates. Cost also depends on size of persistence context
- Call getReference() to get empty proxy. This allows saving without changing in database?
Delete – Performance improvements
- Remove() requires persistent entities, requires loading reference
- Delete by query could be more efficient
- Two orders of maginude worse when database on different continent.
- 35 minutes to do 5 second run when database on a different continent
My take: It’s been a while since I look at this topic. It was a good mix of review and things I never knew. Not having a physical network between the machine and database really hanges the numbers. It would have been nice to use a cloud database to get those numbers [scratch that; he did at the very end. I would have liked to see it earlier]