On November 14, 2024, switched to new test bank software. That means the mock exams and flashcards and the like are now on a new website.
If you are registering for the first time
Create an account
- Go to study.learning.wiley.com
- Click to create a new account
Register your book
- Click “Redeem Test Bank”
- Choose Sybex and the book you are using.
- Then answer a question about the book and you are in. The old PIN code system is no longer used

If you were already using the old site
- Go to study.learning.wiley.com
- Click to create a new account
- Login using your credentials from the old site
Note that any books you had registered that haven’t expired yet will appear. However, your progress/history on them will not.
Different than Real Exam
Be aware that the exam software is different than on the real exam. For example, the real exam lets you flag questions for later, navigate to specific questions, or end the exam from any question.