[devnexus 2024] refactoring after fowler: some large refactoring patterns

Speakers: Aaron McClennen & M. Jeff Wilson

For more, see the 2024 DevNexus Blog Table of Contents

This talk inspired by books:

  • Fowler’s Refactoring
  • Kerievsky Refactoring to Patterns
  • Gamma (Gang of Four)
  • Feather’s working effectively with legacy code


  • Restructuring code without changing behavior
  • Purpose of computer language is to tell other programmers what to do. The computer uses ones and zeros
  • Make it work, make it right, make it fast
  • If put it off, will never have time
  • Code smallers to remove – showed screen of examples
  • Refactor to reduce WTF/s minute rate in a code review
  • SAFe 11. 4 “refactor to support the new behavior of the code” – one of the built in quality practices
  • Do when need to change code, bug hard to fix, need to reduce tech debt, etc

Staying safe

  • Want high test coverage
  • Start small
  • Proceed incrementally
  • Test after each change. Undo last change if fails
  • Use tools like Veracode and Sonar to find code that needs changing

Simple Example

  • Need to add a flag.
  • Introduce Parameter from Fowler.
  • Showed how adding another flag is trivial

Planning a refactoring

  • Think about like planning a trip.
  • Decide trip is necessary – overcome inertia
  • Scratch refactoring from Feathers – do a refactoring to get familiar with code and revert when done. Helps figure out what to do, Think of as “exploratory refactoring”
  • Select a destination – Understand what would like it to look like
  • High level refactoring plan
  • Refining the route – more details
  • Make it so


  • Showed method with two parameters – a dto and interfaces
  • Showed Template Method Pattern
  • Plan make a base class, turn implementations into subclasses, remove interfaces and stop parameter passing
  • Refine plan: map to concrete steps like drop the interface and stop using the interface. 13 steps to do the four higher level steps

My take

The intro felt very long. Would have been nice to see if audience needed an intro to refactoring. First example at 20 minute mark (for the Fowler example) and 23 minute mark for first mention of planning for large refactorings. I was speaking after and left early to get ready. So I suspect I missed some of the best parts. I was expecting more of it to be about patterns. The part I saw was too easy for me.

Using a Local Record for Readability

Sometimes there is something we really want to put in our cert book that doesn’t fit. You can only have so many case studies/real world scenarios after all. I rescued this from the trash heap and made this blog post./

Suppose we want to count the number of names that have both a first and last name beginning with E. We want to call the method as:

var names = List.of("Sarah Smith", "Eve Edwards");

We can read this with streams:

public long countNamesStartingWithEs(List<String> names) {
   return names.stream()
      .map(t -> t.split(" "))
      .filter(a -> a[0].startsWith("E"))
      .filter(a -> a[1].startsWith("E"))

The code works. However, it has array positions sprinkled throughout. This requires you to keep remembering the format. We can refactor using a local record:

public long countNamesStartingWithEsWithRecords(List<String> names) {
   record Name(String first, String last) {}

   return names.stream()
      .map(t -> t.split(" "))
      .map(t -> new Name(t[0], t[1]))
      .filter(n -> n.first().startsWith("E"))
      .filter(n -> n.last().startsWith("E"))

The record lets us give the fields names so we can reference them as n.first() and n.last(). The only place that has to know about the order is the call record constructor. For such a simple example, the approaches are similar. For longer and more complex pipelines, the local record approach can make the code easier to read.

refactoring legacy code for java 8

I asked a teammate at CodeRanch if I could use a method he wrote to show how it could be written more clearly/succinctly in Java 8. He said yes. This is the original method. It is 95 lines and has a cyclomatic complexity of 27.

public static Map<Category, List<Forum>> getBetaTopForums(BestTopicsDAO bestTopicDAO, int userId, List<Topic> bestThisYear, List<Topic> secondaryBestList){
        Map<Integer, Integer> ratings = bestTopicDAO.selectForumRatingsByUserId(userId);
        List<Integer> forumIds = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Integer> ratedForumIds = CollectionCommon.getKeysSortedByValues(ratings, true);
        final int defaultUserId = SystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.BEST_TOPICS_DEFAULT_USER_ID);
        // Let's first add the forums that are rated above 5/10
        for(Integer forumId: ratedForumIds){
            Integer r = ratings.get(forumId);
            if(r != null && r > 5){
        // Now let's add the forums found in best topics.
        if(bestThisYear != null){
            for(Topic topic: bestThisYear){
                int forumId = topic.getForumId();
        if(secondaryBestList != null){
            for(Topic topic: secondaryBestList){
                int forumId = topic.getForumId();
        // If this user is not the default-rating-user, let's add the top forums
        // rated by the default-rating-user.
        if(userId != defaultUserId) {
            Collection<Integer> fids = getTopRatedForumIds(bestTopicDAO);
            for(Integer fid: fids) {
                if(fid != null && !forumIds.contains(fid)) {
        // Let's also add some forums found in hot topics.
        List<Topic> tmpTopics = TopicRepository.getHottestTopics();
        for(Topic topic: tmpTopics){
            int forumId = topic.getForumId();
        // Finally, let's add the forums that were rated below 6/10
        for(Integer forumId: ratedForumIds){
            Integer r = ratings.get(forumId);
            if(r != null && r < 6 && !forumIds.contains(forumId)){
        Map<Category, List<Forum>> forums = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        PermissionControl pc = SecurityRepository.get(userId);
        final int maxTopForums = SystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.BETA_VIEW_MAX_TOP_FORUMS_IN_HOME);
        int forumsToShow = 0;
        // We need to remove the forums that are not visible, or rated 0/10
        for(Integer forumId: forumIds){
            if(pc.canAccess(SecurityConstants.PERM_FORUM, String.valueOf(forumId))){
                Forum f = ForumRepository.getForum(forumId);
                Category c = f != null ? ForumRepository.getCategory(f.getCategoryId()) : null;
                if(f != null && c != null && f.isShowInForumList()){
                    if(++forumsToShow > maxTopForums){
                    List<Forum> fs;
                        fs = forums.get(c);
                        fs = new ArrayList<>();
                        forums.put(c, fs);
        return forums;

First step – write unit tests

First, I wrote unit tests for the existing code to ensure I didn’t break anything. While doing that, I did some minor refactorings. (I didn’t do extract method to make the method shorter since I knew I’d be updating that later). What I did change:

  1. Removed BestTopicsDAO as a parameter. It comes from a factory and we have a mock framework setup for that factory already. So there was no reason it had to be a parameter
  2. Renamed bestThisYear to primaryBestList. (It doesn’t always represent the best for the year)

I couldn’t get 100% test coverage because a few of the null checks were unreachable due to early logic (in the helper methods.) I left them in to see the effect they’d have on conversion.

Refactoring to Java 8 – Getting started

There’s a lot of for loops here. And I suspect they are very similar. Let’s start with the first one:

for(Integer forumId: ratedForumIds){
  Integer r = ratings.get(forumId);
  if(r != null && r > 5){

I converted this to a helper method and a stream:

forumIds.addAll(ratedForumIds.stream().filter(id -> {
  Integer r = ratings.get(id);
  return r != null && r > 5;

I’ll grant you that this code isn’t shorter than the original code. It is more similar in form to the code I expect to write next though.  Also, it’s not easier to read given I didn’t extract the two line lambda. I’m going to do that after I get rid of the similar for loops.

The next refactoring

The next one is interesting. It’s just a for loop and if statement which is easy to rewrite.

for(Topic topic: primaryBestList){
  int forumId = topic.getForumId();

which is equivalent to

  .filter(f -> ! forumIds.contains(f))

However, it is interesting because it check if the forum is already in forumIds. This shouldn’t be necessary as it is something a data structure could do. We need a data structure that is both a list (preserves order) and a set (checks for uniqueness.) Enter LinkedHashSet. It’s a set and preserves the insertion order. The JavaDoc even specifies that if you add the same element again, the order doesn’t change. Perfect. Switching forumIds to a LinkedHashSet allows for getting rid of the filter intermediate operation. And the unit tests still work.  I used the same techniques for the next five for loops.

Time to use methods

I converted two methods that had to do with ratings and three that were straight conversions.  I could have one common method they all use with identities for the filter/map that don’t apply. Two methods would be clearer. Giving me:

private static void addForumIds(Collection<Integer> forumIds, List<Topic> candidates) {
  if (candidates != null) {
    List<Integer> toAdd = candidates.stream().map(Topic::getForumId).collect(Collectors.toList());

private static void addForumIds(Collection<Integer> forumIds, Collection<Integer> candidates, Predicate<Integer> predicate) {
  if (candidates != null) {
    List<Integer> toAdd = candidates.stream().filter(predicate).collect(Collectors.toList());

The last one

The last chunk of code needed more refactoring to take care of all the forum filtering logic first. It also needed a mutable object for the counter rather than a primitive so it could be updated inside a lambda.


I could refactor this more. There’s duplication in the two lambdas. And I could extract more code into separate methods. Interestingly, the total code base is about the same as before. (It’s actually three lines longer, but I have more than three lines of comments.) But the method with the main logic is shorter and far less complicated:

public static Map<Category, List<Forum>> getBetaTopForums(int userId, List<Topic> primaryBestList, List<Topic> secondaryBestList){
        BestTopicsDAO bestTopicDAO = DataAccessDriver.newBestTopicDAO();
        Map<Integer, Integer> ratings = bestTopicDAO.selectForumRatingsByUserId(userId);
        Collection<Integer> forumIds = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        List<Integer> ratedForumIds = CollectionCommon.getKeysSortedByValues(ratings, true);
        final int defaultUserId = SystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.BEST_TOPICS_DEFAULT_USER_ID);
        // Let's first add the forums that are rated above 5/10
         addForumIds(forumIds, ratedForumIds, id -> {
            Integer r = ratings.get(id);
            return r != null && r > 5;
        // Now let's add the forums found in best topics.
        addForumIds(forumIds, primaryBestList);
        addForumIds(forumIds, secondaryBestList);
        // If this user is not the default-rating-user, let's add the top forums
        // rated by the default-rating-user.
        if(userId != defaultUserId) {
            Collection<Integer> fids = getTopRatedForumIds(bestTopicDAO);
            addForumIds(forumIds, fids, id -> id != null);
        // Let's also add some forums found in hot topics.
        List<Topic> tmpTopics = TopicRepository.getHottestTopics();
        addForumIds(forumIds, tmpTopics);

        // Finally, let's add the forums that were rated below 6/10
       addForumIds(forumIds, ratedForumIds, id -> {
            Integer r = ratings.get(id);
            return r != null && r < 6;
        Map<Category, List<Forum>> forums = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        PermissionControl pc = SecurityRepository.get(userId);
        final int maxTopForums = SystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.BETA_VIEW_MAX_TOP_FORUMS_IN_HOME);
        AtomicInteger countForumsToShow = new AtomicInteger(0);
        // We need to remove the forums that are not visible, or rated 0/10
             // skip if can't access forum
            .filter(id -> pc.canAccess(SecurityConstants.PERM_FORUM, String.valueOf(id)))
            // get forum
            // skip if forum not found or can't access
            .filter(f -> f != null && f.isShowInForumList())
            // get category
            .forEach(f -> addForumToCategory(forums, f, maxTopForums, countForumsToShow));
        return forums;
    private static void addForumToCategory(Map<Category, List<Forum>> forums, Forum f, int maxTopForums,
            AtomicInteger countForumsToShow) {
        Category c = ForumRepository.getCategory(f.getCategoryId());
        if (c != null && countForumsToShow.incrementAndGet() <= maxTopForums) {
            List<Forum> fs;
            if (forums.containsKey(c)) {
                fs = forums.get(c);
            } else {
                fs = new ArrayList<>();
                forums.put(c, fs);

    private static void addForumIds(Collection<Integer> forumIds, List<Topic> candidates) {
        if (candidates != null) {
            List<Integer> toAdd = candidates.stream().map(Topic::getForumId).collect(Collectors.toList());
    private static void addForumIds(Collection<Integer> forumIds, Collection<Integer> candidates, Predicate<Integer> predicate) {
        if (candidates != null) {
            List<Integer> toAdd = candidates.stream().filter(predicate).collect(Collectors.toList());