[2024 dev2next] 7 tech trends

Speaker: Vanya Seth

For more see theĀ table of contents

ScriptingTheKernel – eBPF

  • Cartoon – need a year to add something to the kernel, then have to wait until Linux distro ships. Five years later available and requirements have changed
  • eBPF – verifies bytecode and then runs in kernel
  • kernel makes sure you are absolutely safe
  • “superpower of linux”
  • Cilium – networking/clusters, service mesh

AI Team Assistants

  • First reaction is usually coding assistants
  • Software development is a team sport
  • Not just about increasing coding throughput
  • Need to boost whole supply chain/delivery cycle and include all roles.
  • Need to think about how AI can help a cross functional team
  • https://www.thoughtworks.com/en-us/what-we-do/ai/ai-enabled-software-engineering/Haiven_team_assistant

Zero Trust Security for CI/CD

  • Zero trust is not a new trend
  • Need to think about CI/CD in same way as customer facing systems
  • Pipelines need access to critical data like code, credentials/secrets
  • Limit runner privileges
  • Short lived tokens

Using Gen AI to understand legacy codebases

  • A lot to understand to convert to a new tech stack – business logic, dependencies, etc
  • Document understanding
  • Ask gen AI to explain code, but it’s not enough
  • Can use RAG on codebase, but still not enough
  • Graphs + RAG is more powerful.


  • Where do you put your seed secrets? The one neeeded to start everything. HOw do you bootstrap the bootstrapper?
  • Where store secrets overall?

On device LLM Inference

  • Need integrated into life
  • Wrapped into devices use ex: fridge [I don’t want my fridge to be smart!]
  • Quantization – compress parameters so can run on phone/raspberry pi
  • Small language models – fit for purpose models have 1-7 billlion params or less. Save memory
  • WebLLM – In browser inference engine

My take

Excellent keynote. New things and new ways to think about non-new things.